Spring Wind
The wind blows the trees about
In the green field
The wind blows the bees about
Which bushes shield
'Tis the green wind of May time
That suddenly wakes
That starts in the day time
When every thing shakes
The trees and the bushes, the grasses and grain
Like the waves of the ocean roll over the plain.
The wind what can beat it
So frolic and playful
The beast cannot eat it
Though it fills all the day full
'Tis the grass in the meadow
All tossing in billows
The wheat where streams glidder
Waving under the willows
Now the trees in the hedges are heaving like hair
And bushes are shaking like living things there.
The water all curdles
Like wrinkles in ice
Like ribbed floating hurdles
That look rather nice
It swabbs the bullrushes
The flags it swirls through
By the ozier bed pushes
Where the white lilies grew
Whose broad leaves are wet with the plash o' the wave
Where the froth binds the bullrush like snow on the grave.
It blows in my face now
Though I do'nt see it pass
It breathes on the flowers now
Now billows the grass
It sweeps the grey willows
Like the roof of a house
Swirls the sedges i' billows
O'er the nest o' the mouse
Flys Bees and crickets are singing all day
And winds mooving every green thing in its way.
The wind blows the trees about
In the green field
The wind blows the bees about
Which bushes shield
'Tis the green wind of May time
That suddenly wakes
That starts in the day time
When every thing shakes
The trees and the bushes, the grasses and grain
Like the waves of the ocean roll over the plain.
The wind what can beat it
So frolic and playful
The beast cannot eat it
Though it fills all the day full
'Tis the grass in the meadow
All tossing in billows
The wheat where streams glidder
Waving under the willows
Now the trees in the hedges are heaving like hair
And bushes are shaking like living things there.
The water all curdles
Like wrinkles in ice
Like ribbed floating hurdles
That look rather nice
It swabbs the bullrushes
The flags it swirls through
By the ozier bed pushes
Where the white lilies grew
Whose broad leaves are wet with the plash o' the wave
Where the froth binds the bullrush like snow on the grave.
It blows in my face now
Though I do'nt see it pass
It breathes on the flowers now
Now billows the grass
It sweeps the grey willows
Like the roof of a house
Swirls the sedges i' billows
O'er the nest o' the mouse
Flys Bees and crickets are singing all day
And winds mooving every green thing in its way.
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