
Weep not, tho' lonely and wild be thy path,
And the storms may be gathering round;
There is one who can shield from the hurricane's wrath,
And that one may for ever be found.
He is with thee, around thee, He lists to thy cry,
And thy tears are recorded by Him —
A pillar of fire He will be to thine eye,
Whose brightness no shadow can dim.

O follow it still through the darkness of night,
In safety 'twill lead to the morrow;
'Tis not like the meteor of earth's fickle light,
Often quench'd in delusion and sorrow;
For pure is the beam, and unfading the ray,
And the tempests assail it in vain,
When the mists of this world are all vanish'd away,
In its brightness it still will remain.

And weep not that none are around thee to love,
For a Father is with thee to bless;
And if griefs have exalted thy spirit above,
O say wouldst thou wish for one less?
He is with thee, whose favor for ever is life;
Could a mortal heart guard thee so well?
O hush the vain wish, calm thy bosom's wild strife,
And forbid but a thought to rebel.

Weep not, tho' lonely and wild be thy path,
And the storms may be gathering round;
There is one who can shield from the hurricane's wrath,
And that one may for ever be found.
He is with thee, around thee, He lists to thy cry,
And thy tears are recorded by Him —
A pillar of fire He will be to thine eye,
Whose brightness no shadow can dim.

O follow it still through the darkness of night,
In safety 'twill lead to the morrow;
'Tis not like the meteor of earth's fickle light,
Often quench'd in delusion and sorrow;
For pure is the beam, and unfading the ray,
And the tempests assail it in vain,
When the mists of this world are all vanish'd away,
In its brightness it still will remain.

And weep not that none are around thee to love,
For a Father is with thee to bless;
And if griefs have exalted thy spirit above,
O say wouldst thou wish for one less?
He is with thee, whose favor for ever is life;
Could a mortal heart guard thee so well?
O hush the vain wish, calm thy bosom's wild strife,
And forbid but a thought to rebel.
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