A Statesman
He knew the mask of principle to wear,
And power accept while seeming to decline:
So cunningly he wrought, with tools so fine,
Setting his courses with so frank an air,
(Yet most secure when seeming most to dare,)
He did deceive us all: with mien benign
His malice smiled, his cowardice the sign
Of courage took, his selfishness grew fair,
So deftly could his foiled ambition show
A modest acquiescence. Now, 'tis clear
What man he is.—how false his high report;
Mean to the friend, caressing to the foe;
Plotting the mischief which he feigns to fear;
Chief Eunuch, were but ours the Sultan's court!
And power accept while seeming to decline:
So cunningly he wrought, with tools so fine,
Setting his courses with so frank an air,
(Yet most secure when seeming most to dare,)
He did deceive us all: with mien benign
His malice smiled, his cowardice the sign
Of courage took, his selfishness grew fair,
So deftly could his foiled ambition show
A modest acquiescence. Now, 'tis clear
What man he is.—how false his high report;
Mean to the friend, caressing to the foe;
Plotting the mischief which he feigns to fear;
Chief Eunuch, were but ours the Sultan's court!
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