A Storm at Sea

What Horrors crowd around! Destruction frowns
In all its frightful shapes. The lowering Clouds
Spread out their solid Glooms, and not a Star
Emits a Ray of cheering Light. The Winds
Discharge their whole Artillery; rear vast Piles
Of Waves on Waves,—and watry Pyramids,
Capt with white Foam, that lash'd to fiery Rage,
Sparkles and burns: betwixt conflicting Seas,
Toss'd like a Cork, alas! our feeble Barque,
Our sole Defence, denies us Hope; the Waves
In Deluges break o'er her. Hark! the Roar
Of breaking Precipices, and the Howl
Of Furious Winds, that from the Bottom turn
The Wild, fermenting Ocean; while the Night
Spreads her thick Glooms o'er all the dreadful Scene.
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