The Story of Cyllarus and Hylonome
Nor cou'd thy Form, O Cyllaras , foreslow
Thy Fate; (if Form to Monsters Men allow:)
Just bloom'd thy Beard: Thy Beard of golden Hue:
Thy Locks, in golden Waves, about thy Shoulders flew
Sprightly thy Look: Thy Shapes in ev'ry Part
So clean, as might instruct the Sculptor's Art;
As far as Man extended: Where began
The Beast, the Beast was equal to the Man.
Add but a Horse's Head and Neck; and he,
O Caslor , was a Courser worthy thee.
So was his Back proportion'd for the Seat;
So rose his brawny Chest; so swiftly mov'd his Feet.
Coal-black his Colour, but like Jet it shone;
His Legs and flowing Tail were white alone.
Belov'd by many Maidens of his Kind;
But Fair Hylonome possess'd his Mind;
Hylonome , for Features, and for Face,
Excelling all the Nymphs of double Race:
Nor less her Blandishments, than Beauty, move;
At once both loving, and confessing Love.
For him she dress'd: For him with Female Care
She comb'd, and set in Curls, her auborn Hair.
Of Roses, Violets, and Lillies mix'd,
And Sprigs of flowing Rosemary betwixt,
She form'd the Chaplet, that adorn'd her Front:
In Waters of the Pagasaean Fount,
And in the Streams that from the Fountain play,
She wash'd her Face; and bath'd her twice a Day
The Scarf of Furs, that hung below her Side,
Was Ermin, or the Panther's spotted Pride;
Spoils of no common Beast: With equal Flame
They lov'd: Their Silvan Pleasures were the same:
All Day they hunted: And when Day expir'd,
Together to some shady Cave retir'd:
Invited to the Nuptials, both repair:
And, Side by Side, they both engage in War.
Uncertain from what Hand, a flying Dart
At Cyllarus was sent; which pierc'd his Heart.
The Javelin drawn from out the mortal Wound,
He faints with stagg'ring Steps; and seeks the Ground:
The Fair, within her Arms receiv'd his Fall,
And strove his wand'ring Spirits to recall:
And while her Hand the streaming Blood oppos'd,
Join'd Face to Face, his Lips with hers she clos'd
Stifled with Kisses, a sweet Death he dies;
She fills the Fields with undistinguish'd Cries:
At least her Words were in her Clamour drown'd;
For my stunn'd Ears receiv'd no vocal Sound.
In madness of her Grief, she seiz'd the Dart
New-drawn, and reeking from her Lover's Heart;
To her bare Bosom the sharp Point apply'd;
And wounded fell; and falling by his Side,
Embrac'd him in her Arms; and thus embracing, dy'd.
Ev'n still methinks, I see Phaeocomes ;
Strange was his Habit, and as odd his Dress.
Six Lions Hides, with Thongs together fast,
His upper Part defended to his Waist:
And where Man ended, the continued Vest,
Spread on his Back, the Houss and Trappings of a Beast.
A Stump too heavy for a Team to draw,
(It seems a Fable, tho' the Fact I saw;)
He threw at Pholon ; the descending Blow
Divides the Skull, and cleaves his Head in two.
The Brains, from Nose and Mouth, and either Ear,
Came issuing out, as through a Colendar
The curdled Milk; or from the Press the Whey,
Driv'n down by Weights above, is drain'd away.
But him, while stooping down to spoil the Slain,
Pierc'd through the Paunch, I tumbled on the Plain.
Then Chthonyus , and Teleboas I slew:
A Fork the former arm'd; a Dart his Fellow threw.
The Javelin wounded me; (behold the Scar.)
Then was my Time to seek the Trojan War;
Then I was Hector 's Match in open Field;
But he was then unborn; at least a Child:
Now, I am nothing. I forbear to tell
By Periphantas how Pyretus fell;
The Centaur by the Knight: Nor will I stay
On Amphyx , or what Deaths he dealt that Day:
What Honour, with a pointless Lance, he won,
Stuck in the Front of a Four-footed Man.
What Fame young Macareus obtain'd in Fight:
Or dwell on Nessus , now return'd from Flight.
How Prophet Mopsus not alone divin'd,
Whose Valour equal'd his foreseeing Mind.
Thy Fate; (if Form to Monsters Men allow:)
Just bloom'd thy Beard: Thy Beard of golden Hue:
Thy Locks, in golden Waves, about thy Shoulders flew
Sprightly thy Look: Thy Shapes in ev'ry Part
So clean, as might instruct the Sculptor's Art;
As far as Man extended: Where began
The Beast, the Beast was equal to the Man.
Add but a Horse's Head and Neck; and he,
O Caslor , was a Courser worthy thee.
So was his Back proportion'd for the Seat;
So rose his brawny Chest; so swiftly mov'd his Feet.
Coal-black his Colour, but like Jet it shone;
His Legs and flowing Tail were white alone.
Belov'd by many Maidens of his Kind;
But Fair Hylonome possess'd his Mind;
Hylonome , for Features, and for Face,
Excelling all the Nymphs of double Race:
Nor less her Blandishments, than Beauty, move;
At once both loving, and confessing Love.
For him she dress'd: For him with Female Care
She comb'd, and set in Curls, her auborn Hair.
Of Roses, Violets, and Lillies mix'd,
And Sprigs of flowing Rosemary betwixt,
She form'd the Chaplet, that adorn'd her Front:
In Waters of the Pagasaean Fount,
And in the Streams that from the Fountain play,
She wash'd her Face; and bath'd her twice a Day
The Scarf of Furs, that hung below her Side,
Was Ermin, or the Panther's spotted Pride;
Spoils of no common Beast: With equal Flame
They lov'd: Their Silvan Pleasures were the same:
All Day they hunted: And when Day expir'd,
Together to some shady Cave retir'd:
Invited to the Nuptials, both repair:
And, Side by Side, they both engage in War.
Uncertain from what Hand, a flying Dart
At Cyllarus was sent; which pierc'd his Heart.
The Javelin drawn from out the mortal Wound,
He faints with stagg'ring Steps; and seeks the Ground:
The Fair, within her Arms receiv'd his Fall,
And strove his wand'ring Spirits to recall:
And while her Hand the streaming Blood oppos'd,
Join'd Face to Face, his Lips with hers she clos'd
Stifled with Kisses, a sweet Death he dies;
She fills the Fields with undistinguish'd Cries:
At least her Words were in her Clamour drown'd;
For my stunn'd Ears receiv'd no vocal Sound.
In madness of her Grief, she seiz'd the Dart
New-drawn, and reeking from her Lover's Heart;
To her bare Bosom the sharp Point apply'd;
And wounded fell; and falling by his Side,
Embrac'd him in her Arms; and thus embracing, dy'd.
Ev'n still methinks, I see Phaeocomes ;
Strange was his Habit, and as odd his Dress.
Six Lions Hides, with Thongs together fast,
His upper Part defended to his Waist:
And where Man ended, the continued Vest,
Spread on his Back, the Houss and Trappings of a Beast.
A Stump too heavy for a Team to draw,
(It seems a Fable, tho' the Fact I saw;)
He threw at Pholon ; the descending Blow
Divides the Skull, and cleaves his Head in two.
The Brains, from Nose and Mouth, and either Ear,
Came issuing out, as through a Colendar
The curdled Milk; or from the Press the Whey,
Driv'n down by Weights above, is drain'd away.
But him, while stooping down to spoil the Slain,
Pierc'd through the Paunch, I tumbled on the Plain.
Then Chthonyus , and Teleboas I slew:
A Fork the former arm'd; a Dart his Fellow threw.
The Javelin wounded me; (behold the Scar.)
Then was my Time to seek the Trojan War;
Then I was Hector 's Match in open Field;
But he was then unborn; at least a Child:
Now, I am nothing. I forbear to tell
By Periphantas how Pyretus fell;
The Centaur by the Knight: Nor will I stay
On Amphyx , or what Deaths he dealt that Day:
What Honour, with a pointless Lance, he won,
Stuck in the Front of a Four-footed Man.
What Fame young Macareus obtain'd in Fight:
Or dwell on Nessus , now return'd from Flight.
How Prophet Mopsus not alone divin'd,
Whose Valour equal'd his foreseeing Mind.
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