The String Token



Then where shall I meet you as you do goo by
To the town, if the mornen is dry?


At Carracombe leäze by the voot o' the hill,
But not within zight o' the windows at mill;
Though I woulden wait where the vo'k mid come by
An' vind me a-stood when I can't tell em why.


There idden much readship ov good or ov ill
In a walk, or a man a-stood still.
If I'm a-gone on, I can tie up a string
On a twig o' the woak by the spring.
An' where do ye think that o' Vriday you'll speäre
Me a word, if the evenen is feäir?


I mid or mid not, when my work is a-done,
Just put on my bonnet an' goo vor a run
Out over the leäze down to uncle's, to zit
Wi' poor aunt an' to cheer her poor soul vor a bit.


If I do goo on I can tie up a string
On a twig o' the woak by the spring.


Good bye!


Then good bye! You will mind you do tie
Up a string on the tree-twig, if you do goo by.
(His thoughts—)
O gaÿ be the nesh-leaved trees in the spring
Down under the height where the skylark do zing,
An' welcome in zummer be leaves all a-met
On wide-spreaden limbs, vor a screen vrom the het;
An' feäir, in the Fall-time, do flutter the vew
Yollow leaves o' the trees that the sky do show drough:
But welcome to me beyond leaves is the string
On the twig o' the woak by the spring.
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