Such were the visions that his grief beguiled

With utmost Pleasure thus our Poet hears,
And learns the sacred Musick of the Sphears,
Where all the various Cadences are shown;
Yet hardly sweeter than his own:
Whose artful sublimate Fire
Before 'twas from Earth's Prison free,
Could Things inanimate inspire,
And give the Heroe Immortality:
Revive the Dead in charming Layes,
And crown the Just with never fading Bayes.
Long, long 'ere he on Albious Isle appear'd,
Or Albious drooping Genius cheer'd;
When first the Fates his Being did decree,
They form'd his Mind of choicest Harmony:
For surely that extensive Flaine
Never by Traduction came;
But, thus endu'd, his pre-existing Soul
Thro' all the inspired Bards did rowl,
From Orpheus,
To this greater far than he!
And was the universal Life of Poetry.
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