Such were the visions that his grief beguiled
With utmost Pleasure thus our Poet hears,
And learns the sacred Musick of the Sphears,
Where all the various Cadences are shown;
Yet hardly sweeter than his own:
Whose artful sublimate Fire
Before 'twas from Earth's Prison free,
Could Things inanimate inspire,
And give the Heroe Immortality:
Revive the Dead in charming Layes,
And crown the Just with never fading Bayes.
Long, long 'ere he on Albious Isle appear'd,
Or Albious drooping Genius cheer'd;
When first the Fates his Being did decree,
They form'd his Mind of choicest Harmony:
For surely that extensive Flaine
Never by Traduction came;
But, thus endu'd, his pre-existing Soul
Thro' all the inspired Bards did rowl,
From Orpheus,
To this greater far than he!
And was the universal Life of Poetry.
And learns the sacred Musick of the Sphears,
Where all the various Cadences are shown;
Yet hardly sweeter than his own:
Whose artful sublimate Fire
Before 'twas from Earth's Prison free,
Could Things inanimate inspire,
And give the Heroe Immortality:
Revive the Dead in charming Layes,
And crown the Just with never fading Bayes.
Long, long 'ere he on Albious Isle appear'd,
Or Albious drooping Genius cheer'd;
When first the Fates his Being did decree,
They form'd his Mind of choicest Harmony:
For surely that extensive Flaine
Never by Traduction came;
But, thus endu'd, his pre-existing Soul
Thro' all the inspired Bards did rowl,
From Orpheus,
To this greater far than he!
And was the universal Life of Poetry.
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