The Sun-Children

Far from the sun over the ages and the spaces of the sky,
We children have come …
Far from the sun by strange spirals, and long trances and struggles,
When we lay a seed in the mud of a streaming Earth,
When we swam in the waters of hushed creation,
When we crawled out and dwelt on the land, in the grasses and thickets,
When we swung from the trees of the jungle,
When at last we arose and stepped forth on the immense pilgrimage of man …
None may count even by millions the ages
Since far from the sun
And over the spaces and whirled in the skies,
We children have come.

Whence, our yearning back,
Our yearning for the sun that at dusk sinks into the womb of the waters,
And at morn is born from the bath of the eastern sea …
Our yearning for the peace and stillness of the sky before the Earth was conceived,
Our yearning for the mother in the heavens and we but a flake of her living fires.
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