The Surprise

As there I left the road, in Maÿ,
I vound, a-walken drough a ground,
A gleäde, wi' maïdens at their plaÿ,
By leafy boughs a-hemm'd all round.
An' there, in me'th that show'd noo harm,
They wagg'd their tongues in merry charm,
Though little did they seem to fear
So queer a stranger mid be near.
Teeh! heeh! Look here! Hah! Hah! Look there!
An' oh! so plaÿsome; oh! so feäir.

An' oone did dance, an' oone did spring,
Or bob, or bow, wi' funny smiles;
An' oone did swing, or zit an' zing,
Or zew a stitch or two, at whiles;
An' oone skipp'd on, wi' downcast feäce,
All heedless to my very pleäce;
An' then, in fright, wi' oone voot out,
Meäde oone dead step; an' whirl'd about.
Wi' heeh! an' oh! Ooh! ooh! Look there!
An' oh! so plaÿsome; oh! so feäir.

Away they scoted all, vull speed,
By boughs a-swingen on their track,
As rabbits, out ov wood at veed,
At zight o' men do scote all back.
Oone pull'd behind her litty heel
A thread o' cotton, off her reel.
An' ooh! to vollow thik white clue,
I haef begun to scamper too.
Teeh! heeh! Run here! Eeh! eeh! Look there!
An' oh! so skittish; oh! so feäir.
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