"Sweet-Thing" Jane

When somebody comes a-tripping down,
The winds all at play with her hair and gown;
The very same winds that are just too lazy
To lift a leaf or to swing a daisy,—
Then hold your heart with might and main;
She is crossing the meadow, “Sweet-thing” Jane.

She always chooses the cool of the day,
The way down to Lovetown, that 's her way;
She knows very well (what is well worth knowing)
There 's only one road—the road she is going;
And she knows she is sweet as a rose in the rain,
And she knows—she will tell you, “Sweet-thing” Jane.

A light will burn in the blue of her eye,
Like the star lit first in the evening sky;
And over her lips will bubble the laughter
The brooks in the sun go running after;
You will see, you will hear, at the gate in the lane,
While slowly it opens to “Sweet-thing” Jane.

You will open it wide, then what will you do?
Why, you will be off for Lovetown, too;
The cool of the day is your lovers' weather,
And all go to Lovetown two together.
You may hold your heart with might and main,
She will have it at last, will “Sweet-thing” Jane.
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