Taken from a Translation from the Greek of Aratus's Phaenomena, Verse 96th
Fair , near Boötes' feet, with splendid ray,
The Virgin's lustre rivals ev'n the day;
Her beauteous hand a radiant ear sustains
Of man's vast blessing, bright in golden grains.
Say, does the Maid from great Astræus spring,
Father of constellations, mighty King!
He, whom loud Fame proclaims the Sire of light,
Whose sparkling wonders charm the gazers' sight?
Whate'er her line, propitious from her birth,
Still may her radiance cheer our favour'd earth;
With dazzling sweetness may she still appear,
And with her trophy grace our hemisphere!
Once (blissful time!) if old report has truth,
The fair celestial, in immortal youth,
Vouchsaf'd to dwell with man, with lore divine
Deigning to teach, to govern, to refine:
With friendly care, the just, the good, she sought;
Inspir'd each noble act, each generous thought;
Did, meekly-gracious, condescend to dwell
Among the favour'd race she lov'd so well:
Though Goddess born, pursues her fost'ring plan,
Diffusing blessings o'er the race of man.
Attentive females heard, and did adore,
While men, with suppliant joy, obey'd her power;
Aw'd by the truths divine, that grac'd her tongue,
(Pure as the radiant source from whence she sprung)
Gladly exulting, they her might proclaim'd,
And their bright queen, celestial Justice nam'd,
Pleas'd with that due regard so kindly paid,
Their future weal employ'd th' immortal maid:
She in their populous streets conven'd the throng;
Oft in assembled crouds she tun'd her song;
Sweet in seraphic strains reveal'd her will;
Taught how to chuse the good, avoid the ill.
In those blest days contention bore no sway;
No baneful folly mark'd the placid day;
No discord then corroding influence spread,
But lovely Peace erectly rais'd her head,
Fluttering her downy pinions round the world,
And jarring atoms back to Chaos hurl'd.
Unknown was then the mighty Ocean's power,
Unknown the tempests that around him lour;
No floating castles plough'd his circling tide,
No dreadful thunders on his billows ride:
Inventive Genius then had never taught
The dire machines, with fatal mischief fraught;
The useful plough, the docile oxen, then
The richest treasures of the happiest men:
No glittering gems were brought from distant soil,
The price of virtue and the bane of toil;
No tortur'd slave's upbraiding groans were heard;
Unsought was wealth, and anguish never fear'd;
While their indulgent queen, with liberal hand,
Strew'd tenfold blessings o'er the smiling land,
Delighted, charm'd, such subjects to behold,
Stamp'd the bright æra with the name of Gold.
Thus did the Goddess on the earth remain,
Till man, ungrateful, spurn'd her blissful reign;
She then beheld them with a sterner grace,
And veil'd in frowns the splendor of her face;
Withdrew her, frequent, from their weaken'd sight,
Flew to the lonely cave or mountain's height,
There, to the happy few who sought her aid,
Still soft, instructive, was th' immortal Maid;
To them she still unfolds her spotless page,
And beams faint lustre on the silver age.
One time, descending with the ev'n, she came,
The people summon'd in her awful name,
Then, in commanding majesty array'd,
Their base ingratitude—her love—display'd;
“To you (she cried) ye thankless race, no more
“By me shall Wisdom ope her sacred store;
“Far from th' abodes of men I'll wing my flight,
“And visit realms of empyrean light;
“Nor longer 'midst the headstrong crew reside,
“With Envy, Folly, Wretchedness, and Pride.
“Degenerate progeny of golden race,
“Whose ancient virtues now your crimes efface,
“Yet more debas'd your offspring still shall prove,
“Unknown to virtuous truth, to sacred love;
“Then hostile War will rush in dread array,
“And blood and slaughter shock the face of day;
“Oppression, then, her galling chain shall bind,
“And with her scorpion lash afflict mankind.”
Appall'd, they listen to the dread presage
Of embryo sorrows to the rising age;
While the wrong'd Goddess wing'd her rapid flight,
And instant gain'd her favourite mountain's height.
In vain they now regret the vanish'd Maid,
Vainly her counsel seek, or court her aid;
Hid in secluded groves she did remain,
Until their offspring form'd the Brazen reign;
Then men destructive rose, unsocial band!
Who spread contention round the guilty land;
They forg'd the murderous sword, the pointed steel,
And made the docile ox their baseness feel;
Fed on the lowing herds they us'd to lead
In sportive gambols o'er the flow'ry mead.
Affrighted Justice fled the bloody soil,
Nor longer wou'd on earth her name defile,
But upward flew, in splendor to appear,
And near Boötes grace the hemisphere.
The Virgin's lustre rivals ev'n the day;
Her beauteous hand a radiant ear sustains
Of man's vast blessing, bright in golden grains.
Say, does the Maid from great Astræus spring,
Father of constellations, mighty King!
He, whom loud Fame proclaims the Sire of light,
Whose sparkling wonders charm the gazers' sight?
Whate'er her line, propitious from her birth,
Still may her radiance cheer our favour'd earth;
With dazzling sweetness may she still appear,
And with her trophy grace our hemisphere!
Once (blissful time!) if old report has truth,
The fair celestial, in immortal youth,
Vouchsaf'd to dwell with man, with lore divine
Deigning to teach, to govern, to refine:
With friendly care, the just, the good, she sought;
Inspir'd each noble act, each generous thought;
Did, meekly-gracious, condescend to dwell
Among the favour'd race she lov'd so well:
Though Goddess born, pursues her fost'ring plan,
Diffusing blessings o'er the race of man.
Attentive females heard, and did adore,
While men, with suppliant joy, obey'd her power;
Aw'd by the truths divine, that grac'd her tongue,
(Pure as the radiant source from whence she sprung)
Gladly exulting, they her might proclaim'd,
And their bright queen, celestial Justice nam'd,
Pleas'd with that due regard so kindly paid,
Their future weal employ'd th' immortal maid:
She in their populous streets conven'd the throng;
Oft in assembled crouds she tun'd her song;
Sweet in seraphic strains reveal'd her will;
Taught how to chuse the good, avoid the ill.
In those blest days contention bore no sway;
No baneful folly mark'd the placid day;
No discord then corroding influence spread,
But lovely Peace erectly rais'd her head,
Fluttering her downy pinions round the world,
And jarring atoms back to Chaos hurl'd.
Unknown was then the mighty Ocean's power,
Unknown the tempests that around him lour;
No floating castles plough'd his circling tide,
No dreadful thunders on his billows ride:
Inventive Genius then had never taught
The dire machines, with fatal mischief fraught;
The useful plough, the docile oxen, then
The richest treasures of the happiest men:
No glittering gems were brought from distant soil,
The price of virtue and the bane of toil;
No tortur'd slave's upbraiding groans were heard;
Unsought was wealth, and anguish never fear'd;
While their indulgent queen, with liberal hand,
Strew'd tenfold blessings o'er the smiling land,
Delighted, charm'd, such subjects to behold,
Stamp'd the bright æra with the name of Gold.
Thus did the Goddess on the earth remain,
Till man, ungrateful, spurn'd her blissful reign;
She then beheld them with a sterner grace,
And veil'd in frowns the splendor of her face;
Withdrew her, frequent, from their weaken'd sight,
Flew to the lonely cave or mountain's height,
There, to the happy few who sought her aid,
Still soft, instructive, was th' immortal Maid;
To them she still unfolds her spotless page,
And beams faint lustre on the silver age.
One time, descending with the ev'n, she came,
The people summon'd in her awful name,
Then, in commanding majesty array'd,
Their base ingratitude—her love—display'd;
“To you (she cried) ye thankless race, no more
“By me shall Wisdom ope her sacred store;
“Far from th' abodes of men I'll wing my flight,
“And visit realms of empyrean light;
“Nor longer 'midst the headstrong crew reside,
“With Envy, Folly, Wretchedness, and Pride.
“Degenerate progeny of golden race,
“Whose ancient virtues now your crimes efface,
“Yet more debas'd your offspring still shall prove,
“Unknown to virtuous truth, to sacred love;
“Then hostile War will rush in dread array,
“And blood and slaughter shock the face of day;
“Oppression, then, her galling chain shall bind,
“And with her scorpion lash afflict mankind.”
Appall'd, they listen to the dread presage
Of embryo sorrows to the rising age;
While the wrong'd Goddess wing'd her rapid flight,
And instant gain'd her favourite mountain's height.
In vain they now regret the vanish'd Maid,
Vainly her counsel seek, or court her aid;
Hid in secluded groves she did remain,
Until their offspring form'd the Brazen reign;
Then men destructive rose, unsocial band!
Who spread contention round the guilty land;
They forg'd the murderous sword, the pointed steel,
And made the docile ox their baseness feel;
Fed on the lowing herds they us'd to lead
In sportive gambols o'er the flow'ry mead.
Affrighted Justice fled the bloody soil,
Nor longer wou'd on earth her name defile,
But upward flew, in splendor to appear,
And near Boötes grace the hemisphere.
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