Tell me what you think on earth
Tell me what you think on earth
The greatest bliss? A:
Riches, honor, and high birth. Q:
Ah, what is this?
If Love be banished the heart,
The joy of Nature, not of Art? Q:
What's honor worth, or high descent?
Or ample wealth,
If cares do breed us discontent,
Or want of health? A:
It is the order of the Fates
That these should wait on highest states. Cho:
Love only does our souls refine,
And by his skill
Turns human things into divine,
And guides our will.
Then let us of his praises sing,
Of love, that sweetens everything.
The greatest bliss? A:
Riches, honor, and high birth. Q:
Ah, what is this?
If Love be banished the heart,
The joy of Nature, not of Art? Q:
What's honor worth, or high descent?
Or ample wealth,
If cares do breed us discontent,
Or want of health? A:
It is the order of the Fates
That these should wait on highest states. Cho:
Love only does our souls refine,
And by his skill
Turns human things into divine,
And guides our will.
Then let us of his praises sing,
Of love, that sweetens everything.
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