
Wine taken with excess,
As Scripture doth express,
Causeth great heaviness
Unto the mind.

But they that take pleasure
To drink it with measure
No doubt a great treasure
They shall it find.

Then give not a cherry
For cide nor perry;
Wine maketh man merry,
Ye know well this.

Then put aside all wrath,
For David shewed us hath;
Vinum laetificat
Cor hominis.

Now, ye that be present,
Laud God omnipotent,
That hath us given and sent
Our daily food.

When through sin were slain
He sent His Son again
Us to redeem from pain
By His sweet blood.

And He is the true Vine
From whom distilled the wine
That bought your souls and mine.
You know well this.

Then put aside all wrath,
For David shewed us hath;
Vinum laetificat
Cor hominis.
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