Tempore Suo
When is the properest time to read
Verses that please with a Sabine flavor?
Not on a Monday, Oh, take good heed!
Tuesday or Wednesday? Ah! no indeed.
Thursday or Friday can find no favor.
Those all are days when the TRISEME stalks:
GREATER ALCAICS roar loud for prey;
Outraged the ghost of MAECENAS walks;
Shrill the HINDSANDNOBLE squawks;
Visions depart and loathings stay.
Wait for the bliss of a Saturday night;
Far in the rear is the PROGRAM'S power.
Roll out the easy-chair, trim the light;
Bubble, O tea-kettle! Fire, burn, bright.
Hey now for Lalage! This is her hour.
Verses that please with a Sabine flavor?
Not on a Monday, Oh, take good heed!
Tuesday or Wednesday? Ah! no indeed.
Thursday or Friday can find no favor.
Those all are days when the TRISEME stalks:
GREATER ALCAICS roar loud for prey;
Outraged the ghost of MAECENAS walks;
Shrill the HINDSANDNOBLE squawks;
Visions depart and loathings stay.
Wait for the bliss of a Saturday night;
Far in the rear is the PROGRAM'S power.
Roll out the easy-chair, trim the light;
Bubble, O tea-kettle! Fire, burn, bright.
Hey now for Lalage! This is her hour.
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