O thou N i rem, battle-waging, of the world's fierce field of fight!
O thou S a m, fell dragon-visaged, of the age's plain of might!
Thou art he in whom the favors of the Lord Most High unite;
Earth and ocean thou hast conquered, waging war on left and right!
Gold, in Isl a m's cause, thou pouredst like to water down a height;
Legions like the Nile on Egypt's shore thou madest to alight.
With thy sabre's blow right fiercely thou the foeman's head didst smite;
Giddy made thy sword the misbelievers' chieftains with affright.
Midst the earth's oak-grove a valiant lion like to thee in might,
Since the days of Rustem, ne'er hath passed beneath the Heavens' sight.
" Bravo! Champion of the Epoch! rending ranks in serried fight!
O'er the " Arsh hang now thou sabre, sparkling like the Pleiads bright! "
Lion! Alexander! had he seen that battle thou didst gain,
Crown and throne to thee to offer Key-Qub a d were surely fain!
O most noble! thou a Vez i r to such fame that dost attain,
That the God of Hosts did surely Lord of Fortune thee ordain!
Like to flame, the fiery blast scathed foemen's lives, it blazed amain;
Threw'st thou, cinder-like, the misbelievers' ashes o'er the plain.
" Conqueror of the Nations' Mother " as thy title should be ta'en:
Since thou'st saved the Nations' Mother, all the nations joy again.
Wishing long ago, 'twould seem, to sing thy splendid glory's strain,
Nef " i wrote for thee this couplet — for thy deeds a fit refrain:
" Bravo! Champion of the Epoch! rending ranks in serried fight!
O'er the " Arsh hang now thy sabre, sparkling like the Pleiads bright! "
When the misbelieving Frenchman sudden swooped on Egypt's land,
Thither was the army's leader sent by the Great King's command:
But at length o'erthrown and vanquished by the foe his luckless band,
Then thou wentest and the vile foe scatter'dst wide on every hand;
Then, when they thy lightning-flashing, life-consuming cannon scanned,
Knew the hell-doomed misbelievers vain were all things they had planned.
Hundred vez i rs, joy-attended, countless foemen did withstand;
Day and night, three years the misbelievers fought they brand to brand;
Worn and wretched fell those at thy feet, and quarter did demand:
It beseems thee, howsoever high in glory thou mayst stand!
" Bravo! Champion of the Epoch! rending ranks in serried fight!
O'er the " Arsh hang now thy sabre, sparkling like the Pleiads bright! "
Through this joy beneath thy shade the world doth its desires behold;
With thy praises eloquent the tongues of all, both young and old.
Thou to Faith and Empire then didst render services untold
Hurling down to earth the foeman's house in one assault right bold!
O Vez i r! Jem-high! think not that flattery my words enfold; — —
Though a poet, not with false or vaunting boasts I've thee extolled.
Midst the fight for Egypt's conquest firm in stirrup was thy hold,
Under thy Egyptian charger trod'st thou foemen like the mould.
From the handle of thy sword, like water, down the red blood rolled;
Thou the foe mad'st turn his face, mill-like, in terror uncontrolled.
" Bravo! Champion of the Epoch! rending ranks in serried fight!
O'er the " Arsh hang now thy sabre, sparkling like the Pleiads bright! "
Those who sing thy glories, like to W a sif, wildered aye must be;
Sayeth W a sif: " None on earth like Huseyn Pasha I shall see. "
If there be who has in vision seen a peerless one like thee,
As a dream all void of meaning, let him it relate to me.
Cannon-ball like, gainst the foe thou threw'st thyself from terror free;
Like the winter blast thou mad'st the foeman shake in front of thee.
Claim to manliness forsaking, even as the blind was he,
Sword in hand despairing stood he, like to one who nought can see;
Quick his throat thou seizedst, like the dragon direful in his glee,
'Neath thy sabre's wave thou drown'dst the misbeliever, like the sea!
" Bravo! Champion of the Epoch! rending ranks in serried fight!
O'er the " Arsh hang now thy sabre, sparkling like the Pleiads bright! "
O thou N i rem, battle-waging, of the world's fierce field of fight!
O thou S a m, fell dragon-visaged, of the age's plain of might!
Thou art he in whom the favors of the Lord Most High unite;
Earth and ocean thou hast conquered, waging war on left and right!
Gold, in Isl a m's cause, thou pouredst like to water down a height;
Legions like the Nile on Egypt's shore thou madest to alight.
With thy sabre's blow right fiercely thou the foeman's head didst smite;
Giddy made thy sword the misbelievers' chieftains with affright.
Midst the earth's oak-grove a valiant lion like to thee in might,
Since the days of Rustem, ne'er hath passed beneath the Heavens' sight.
" Bravo! Champion of the Epoch! rending ranks in serried fight!
O'er the " Arsh hang now thou sabre, sparkling like the Pleiads bright! "
Lion! Alexander! had he seen that battle thou didst gain,
Crown and throne to thee to offer Key-Qub a d were surely fain!
O most noble! thou a Vez i r to such fame that dost attain,
That the God of Hosts did surely Lord of Fortune thee ordain!
Like to flame, the fiery blast scathed foemen's lives, it blazed amain;
Threw'st thou, cinder-like, the misbelievers' ashes o'er the plain.
" Conqueror of the Nations' Mother " as thy title should be ta'en:
Since thou'st saved the Nations' Mother, all the nations joy again.
Wishing long ago, 'twould seem, to sing thy splendid glory's strain,
Nef " i wrote for thee this couplet — for thy deeds a fit refrain:
" Bravo! Champion of the Epoch! rending ranks in serried fight!
O'er the " Arsh hang now thy sabre, sparkling like the Pleiads bright! "
When the misbelieving Frenchman sudden swooped on Egypt's land,
Thither was the army's leader sent by the Great King's command:
But at length o'erthrown and vanquished by the foe his luckless band,
Then thou wentest and the vile foe scatter'dst wide on every hand;
Then, when they thy lightning-flashing, life-consuming cannon scanned,
Knew the hell-doomed misbelievers vain were all things they had planned.
Hundred vez i rs, joy-attended, countless foemen did withstand;
Day and night, three years the misbelievers fought they brand to brand;
Worn and wretched fell those at thy feet, and quarter did demand:
It beseems thee, howsoever high in glory thou mayst stand!
" Bravo! Champion of the Epoch! rending ranks in serried fight!
O'er the " Arsh hang now thy sabre, sparkling like the Pleiads bright! "
Through this joy beneath thy shade the world doth its desires behold;
With thy praises eloquent the tongues of all, both young and old.
Thou to Faith and Empire then didst render services untold
Hurling down to earth the foeman's house in one assault right bold!
O Vez i r! Jem-high! think not that flattery my words enfold; — —
Though a poet, not with false or vaunting boasts I've thee extolled.
Midst the fight for Egypt's conquest firm in stirrup was thy hold,
Under thy Egyptian charger trod'st thou foemen like the mould.
From the handle of thy sword, like water, down the red blood rolled;
Thou the foe mad'st turn his face, mill-like, in terror uncontrolled.
" Bravo! Champion of the Epoch! rending ranks in serried fight!
O'er the " Arsh hang now thy sabre, sparkling like the Pleiads bright! "
Those who sing thy glories, like to W a sif, wildered aye must be;
Sayeth W a sif: " None on earth like Huseyn Pasha I shall see. "
If there be who has in vision seen a peerless one like thee,
As a dream all void of meaning, let him it relate to me.
Cannon-ball like, gainst the foe thou threw'st thyself from terror free;
Like the winter blast thou mad'st the foeman shake in front of thee.
Claim to manliness forsaking, even as the blind was he,
Sword in hand despairing stood he, like to one who nought can see;
Quick his throat thou seizedst, like the dragon direful in his glee,
'Neath thy sabre's wave thou drown'dst the misbeliever, like the sea!
" Bravo! Champion of the Epoch! rending ranks in serried fight!
O'er the " Arsh hang now thy sabre, sparkling like the Pleiads bright! "
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