The Testament of Andro Kennedy
I maister Andro Kennedy
Curro quando sum vocatus.
Gottin with sum incuby
Or with sum freir infatuatus ,
In faith I can nought tell redly
Vnde aut vbi fui natus.
Bot in treuth I trow trewly
Quod sum dyabolus incarnatus.
Cum nichill sit cercius morte
We mon all de, man, that is done.
Nescimus quando vel qua sorte
Na blind Allane wait of the mone.
Ego pacior in pectore,
This night I myght not sleip a wink.
Licet eger in corpore,
Yit wald my mouth be wet with drink.
Nunc condo testamentum meum.
I leiff my saull for euirmare,
Per omnipotentem deum,
In to my lordis wyne cellar,
Semper ibi ad remanendum
Quhill domisday, without disseuer,
Bonum vinum ad bibendum
With sueit Cuthbert that luffit me neuir.
Ipse est dulcis ad amandum.
He wald oft ban me in his breith,
Det michi modo ad potandum,
And I forgif him laith and wraith,
Quia in cellario cum ceruisia
I had lever lye, baith air and lait,
Nudus solus in camesia
Na in my lordis bed of stait.
A barell bung ay at my bosum,
Of varldis gud I bad na mair.
Corpus meum ebriosum
I leif on to the toune of Air,
In a draf mydding for euir and ay,
Vt ibi sepeliri queam,
Quhar drink and draff may ilka day
Be cassyne super faciem meam .
I leif my hert that neuir wes sicir
Sed semper variabile,
That neuir mare wald flow nor flicir
Consorti meo Iacobe.
Thought I wald bynd it with a wicir
Verum deum renui.
Bot and I hecht to teme a bicker
Hoc pactum semper tenui.
Syne leif I the best aucht I bocht
(Quod est Latinum propter caupe)
To hede of kyn; bot I wait nought
Quis est ille , than I schrew my scawpe.
I callit my lord my heid, but hiddill,
Sed nulli alii hoc dixerunt.
We weir als sib as seue and riddill,
In vna silua que creuerunt.
Omnia mea solacia
(Thai wer bot lesingis, all and ane)
Cum omni fraude et fallacia
I leif the maister of Sanct Antane,
Willelmo Gray, sine gratia,
Myne awne deir cusing, as I wene,
Qui nunquam fabricat mendatia
Bot quhen the holyne growis grene.
My fenyeing and my fals wynyng
Relinquo falsis fratribus,
For that is Goddis awne bidding:
Dispersit, dedit pauperibus.
For menis saulis thai say thai sing,
Mencientes pro muneribus.
Now God gif thaim ane euill ending
Pro suis prauis operibus.
To Iok Fule my foly fre
Lego post corpus sepultum.
In faith I am mair fule than he,
Licet ostendit bonum vultum.
Of corne and catall, gold and fe
Ipse habet walde multum,
And yit he bleris my lordis e
Fingendo eum fore stultum.
To master Iohne Clerk syne
Do et lego intime
Goddis malisone and myne.
Ipse est causa mortis mee.
War I a dog and he a swyne
Multi mirantur super me,
Bot I suld ger that lurdane quhryne
Scribendo dentes sine de.
Residuum omnium bonorum
For to dispone my lord sall haif,
Cum tutela puerorum —
Ade, Kytte and all the laif.
In faith I will na langar raif.
Pro sepultura ordino
On the new gys, sa God me saif,
Non sicut more solito.
In die mee sepulture
I will nane haif bot our avne gyng,
Et duos rusticos de rure
Berand a barell on a styng,
Drynkand and playand cop out evin,
Sicut egomet solebam.
Singand and gretand with hie stevin,
Potum meum cum fletu miscebam.
I will na preistis for me sing
Dies illa, dies ire
Na yit na bellis for me ring,
Sicut semper solet fieri,
Bot a bag pipe to play a spryng
Et vnum ail wosp ante me ;
In stayd of baneris for to bring
Quatuor lagenas ceruisie,
Within the graif to set sic thing
In modum crucis iuxta me,
To fle the fendis, than hardely sing
De terra plasmasti me.
I maister Andro Kennedy
Curro quando sum vocatus.
Gottin with sum incuby
Or with sum freir infatuatus ,
In faith I can nought tell redly
Vnde aut vbi fui natus.
Bot in treuth I trow trewly
Quod sum dyabolus incarnatus.
Cum nichill sit cercius morte
We mon all de, man, that is done.
Nescimus quando vel qua sorte
Na blind Allane wait of the mone.
Ego pacior in pectore,
This night I myght not sleip a wink.
Licet eger in corpore,
Yit wald my mouth be wet with drink.
Nunc condo testamentum meum.
I leiff my saull for euirmare,
Per omnipotentem deum,
In to my lordis wyne cellar,
Semper ibi ad remanendum
Quhill domisday, without disseuer,
Bonum vinum ad bibendum
With sueit Cuthbert that luffit me neuir.
Ipse est dulcis ad amandum.
He wald oft ban me in his breith,
Det michi modo ad potandum,
And I forgif him laith and wraith,
Quia in cellario cum ceruisia
I had lever lye, baith air and lait,
Nudus solus in camesia
Na in my lordis bed of stait.
A barell bung ay at my bosum,
Of varldis gud I bad na mair.
Corpus meum ebriosum
I leif on to the toune of Air,
In a draf mydding for euir and ay,
Vt ibi sepeliri queam,
Quhar drink and draff may ilka day
Be cassyne super faciem meam .
I leif my hert that neuir wes sicir
Sed semper variabile,
That neuir mare wald flow nor flicir
Consorti meo Iacobe.
Thought I wald bynd it with a wicir
Verum deum renui.
Bot and I hecht to teme a bicker
Hoc pactum semper tenui.
Syne leif I the best aucht I bocht
(Quod est Latinum propter caupe)
To hede of kyn; bot I wait nought
Quis est ille , than I schrew my scawpe.
I callit my lord my heid, but hiddill,
Sed nulli alii hoc dixerunt.
We weir als sib as seue and riddill,
In vna silua que creuerunt.
Omnia mea solacia
(Thai wer bot lesingis, all and ane)
Cum omni fraude et fallacia
I leif the maister of Sanct Antane,
Willelmo Gray, sine gratia,
Myne awne deir cusing, as I wene,
Qui nunquam fabricat mendatia
Bot quhen the holyne growis grene.
My fenyeing and my fals wynyng
Relinquo falsis fratribus,
For that is Goddis awne bidding:
Dispersit, dedit pauperibus.
For menis saulis thai say thai sing,
Mencientes pro muneribus.
Now God gif thaim ane euill ending
Pro suis prauis operibus.
To Iok Fule my foly fre
Lego post corpus sepultum.
In faith I am mair fule than he,
Licet ostendit bonum vultum.
Of corne and catall, gold and fe
Ipse habet walde multum,
And yit he bleris my lordis e
Fingendo eum fore stultum.
To master Iohne Clerk syne
Do et lego intime
Goddis malisone and myne.
Ipse est causa mortis mee.
War I a dog and he a swyne
Multi mirantur super me,
Bot I suld ger that lurdane quhryne
Scribendo dentes sine de.
Residuum omnium bonorum
For to dispone my lord sall haif,
Cum tutela puerorum —
Ade, Kytte and all the laif.
In faith I will na langar raif.
Pro sepultura ordino
On the new gys, sa God me saif,
Non sicut more solito.
In die mee sepulture
I will nane haif bot our avne gyng,
Et duos rusticos de rure
Berand a barell on a styng,
Drynkand and playand cop out evin,
Sicut egomet solebam.
Singand and gretand with hie stevin,
Potum meum cum fletu miscebam.
I will na preistis for me sing
Dies illa, dies ire
Na yit na bellis for me ring,
Sicut semper solet fieri,
Bot a bag pipe to play a spryng
Et vnum ail wosp ante me ;
In stayd of baneris for to bring
Quatuor lagenas ceruisie,
Within the graif to set sic thing
In modum crucis iuxta me,
To fle the fendis, than hardely sing
De terra plasmasti me.
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