There Is No Caste in Blood
In Gunga's vale is heard
Siddhartha's holy word;
Thrill, heart of Hindustan!
Good tidings! Man is Man .
The Sudra's eyes grow dim
With tears, for unto him
Thus spake Siddhartha good,
" There is no caste in blood. "
Take comfort, humble soul!
The ages hopeward roll;
Time grows compassionate;
Thou art not doomed by Fate;
Religion shall prevail; —
Hail! blessed Buddha! hail!
Proclaim thy message good,
" There is no caste in blood. "
Ye plains of Ind, rejoice
At Love's sweet-sounding voice!
Ye heights of Himalay,
Gleam bright for joy to-day!
The truth to Buddha sent
New lights the Orient,
Presaging all men good:
" There is no caste in blood. "
Siddhartha's holy word;
Thrill, heart of Hindustan!
Good tidings! Man is Man .
The Sudra's eyes grow dim
With tears, for unto him
Thus spake Siddhartha good,
" There is no caste in blood. "
Take comfort, humble soul!
The ages hopeward roll;
Time grows compassionate;
Thou art not doomed by Fate;
Religion shall prevail; —
Hail! blessed Buddha! hail!
Proclaim thy message good,
" There is no caste in blood. "
Ye plains of Ind, rejoice
At Love's sweet-sounding voice!
Ye heights of Himalay,
Gleam bright for joy to-day!
The truth to Buddha sent
New lights the Orient,
Presaging all men good:
" There is no caste in blood. "
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