There where the deepe did show his sandy flore

There where the deepe did show his sandy flore,
And heaped waves an uncouth way enwall:
Whereby they past from one to other shore,
Walking on seas, and yet not wett at all:
He ledd them so; a cloud was them before
While light did last: when night did darkness call,
A flaming piller glitt'ring in the skies
Their load starr was, till sunne again did rise.

He rift the Rocks and from their perced sides,
To give them drinck, whole seas of water drew:
The desert sand no longer thirst abides;
The trickling springs to such huge rivers grew.
Yet not content their furie further slides;
In those wild waies they anger God anew.
As thirst before, now hunger stirrs their lust
To tempting thoughtes, bewraying want of trust;

Yet he unclos'd the garners of the skies,
And bade the cloudes Ambrosian manna rain:
As morning frost on hoary pasture lies,
So strawed lay each where this heav'nly grain
The finest cheat that dearest princes prise,
The bread of heav'n could not in fineness stain:
Which he them gave, and gave them in such store,
Each had so much, he wish't to have no more.

But that he might them each way satisfie,
He slipt the raines to east and southerne wind;
These on the cloudes their uttmost forces try,
And bring in raines of admirable kind.
The dainty Quailes that freely wont to fly,
In forced showers to dropp were now assign'd:
And fell as thick as dust on sunn-burnt field,
Or as the sand the thirsty shore doth yeeld.
Author of original: 
Bible, O.T.
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