Things a-Vallen in Their Times o' Year

In zunny time, when vo'k do pass
By leafy trees an' flow'ry grass,
An' zwallows' wings wi' zweepen tips
Do shoot by streams in swingen dips,
An' greeny elemsceäles do strew
The road below the dousty shoe;
When blooth o' maÿè in sceäles o' white
Do whirl their flight where lambs do plaÿè,
Then we awhile, a-freed vrom tweil,
Do stroll a mile where Stour do straÿè.

In Fall, when ash-tree keys do vlee
A-whirlen down about their tree,
Or winged pods vrom time to time
Do vall a-spinnen vrom the lime,
Or thissle-down, a-rollen light,
Do pitch an' rise in fitful flight;
When leaves a-shed vrom yollow boughs
Do pitch by cows o' yollow red,
Where Stour do wind, we still shall vind
A jaÿè o' mind above his bed.

An' there's a tide when rain do vall
Vrom drippen oves o' rick or stall,
Or snow, a-whirlen down, do roll
Vrom windy bank to lewer hole,
An' tip the post wi' ice, an' vill
Wi' icy dowst the road up hill;
When storms do vlee, or happ'ren hail
Do beät the rail an' drippen tree;
An' then, drough all that there mid vall,
I'll come an' call where you mid be.
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