Thinkin' Long

It's time the lamp was lit,
A sit my lone,
Watchin' the firelight play
On the cracked hearth-stone.
Oul' dreams go through my head,
Like words o' a song.
A'm sittin' here my lone,
An' A'm thinkin' long.

A poor oul' doitered man
That yammers an' girns,
A was quarely differ'nt oncet
Wi' wife an' bairns.
The house was full o' weans
All straight an' strong,
It's desp'rit empty now,
An A'm thinkin' long.

It's time the lamp was lit—
Och, let it stan'!
What need is there o' light
For an oul' done man?
The house is empty now,
An' the Kirkyard throng;
A'm sittin' here my lone,
An A'm thinkin' long.
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