Thomas of Potte

All : you Lords of Scottland ffaire,
& ladyes alsoe bright of blee;
there is a ladye amongst them all,
of her report you shall heare of me.

of her bewtye shee is soe bright,
& of her colour soe bright of blee;
shee is daughter to the Lord Arrndell,
his heyre apparrant ffor to bee.

" Ile see tha t bryde, " Lo rd Phenix sayes,
" tha t is a Ladye of hye degree,
& iff I like her countenance well,
the heyre of all my Land sheest bee. "

to tha t Ladye ffayre Lord Phenix came,
& to tha t Like-some dame said hee,
" now god thee saue, my Ladye ffaire!
the heyre of all my Land thost bee. "

" Leaue of yo u r suite, " the Ladye sayd,
" you are a Lord of honor ffree,
you may gett Ladyes enowe att home,
& I haue a loue in mine owne countrye.

" I haue a louer true of mine owne,
a servinge man of a small degree;
he is the ffirst loue tha t euer I had,
& the last tha t hee shalbee:
Thomas a Pott, itt is his name. "

" giue Thomas a Pott then be his name,
I wott I ken him soe readilye;
I can spend 40 by weeke,
& hee cannott spend pounds 3. "

" god giue you good of yo u r gold, " said the Ladye,
" and alsoe, S i r, of yo u r ffee!
hee was the ffirst loue tha t euer I had,
& the Last, S i r, shall hee bee. "

w i th tha t Lord Phenix was sore amoued;
vnto her ffather then went hee;
hee told her ffather how itt was proued,
how tha t his daughters mind was sett.

" thou art my daughter, " the Erle of Arrndell said,
" the heyre of all my Land to bee;
thoust be bryde to the Lord Phenix,
daughter, giue thoule be heyre to mee. "

for lacke of her loue this Ladye must Lose,
her foolish wooing lay all aside;
the day is appoynted, & ffreinds are agreede,
shee is fforcte to be the Lo rd Phenix bryde.

w i th tha t the Lady began to muse —
a greeued woman, god wott, was shee —
how shee might Lo rd Phenix beguile,
& scape vnmarryed ffrom him tha t day.

shee called to her her litle ffoote page;
to Iacke her boy, soe tenderlye
sayes, " come thou hither, thou litle ffoote page,
for indeed I dare trust none but thee.

" to Strawberry castle, boy, thou must goe,
to Thomas Pott there as hee can bee,
& giue him here this Letter ffaire,
& on guilford greene bidd him meete me.

" looke thou marke his contenance well,
& his colour tell to mee;
& hye thee ffast, and come againe,
& 40 shillings I will giue thee.

" for if he blush in his fface,
then in his hart heese sorry bee.
Then lett my ffather say what hee will,
for false to Potts Ile neuer bee.

" & giue hee smile then w i th his mouth,
then in his heart heele merry be;
then may hee gett him a loue where-euer he can,
for small of his companye my p ar t shalbe. "

then one while tha t the boy hee went,
another while, god wott, rann hee;
& when hee came to strawberry castle,
there Thomas Potts hee see;

then he gaue him this letter ffaire.
& when he began then for to reade,
they boy had told him by word of mouth
" his loue must be the Lord Phenix bryde."

w i th tha t, Thomas a Pott began to blushe;
the teares trickeled in his eye:
" indeed this letter I cannot reede,
nor neuer a word to see or spye;

" I pray thee, boy, to me thoule be trew,
& heers 5 marke I will giue thee;
& all these words thou must pursue,
& tell thy Lady this ffrom mee:

" tell her by ffaith & troth shee is mine owne,
by some p ar t of p ro mise, & soe itts be found,
Lo rd Phenix shall neu er marry her by night nor day
w i thout he can winn her w i th his hand

" on Gilford greene I will her meete,
& bidd tha t Ladye ffor mee pray;
for there Ile Loose my liffe soe sweete
or else the wedding I will stay "

then backe againe the boy he went
as ffast againe as he cold hye.
the Ladye mett him 5 mile on the way:
" why hast thou stayd soe long? " saies shee.

" boy, " said the Ladye, " thou art but younge;
to please my mind thoule mocke and scorne;
I will not beleeue thee on word of mouth
vnlesse on this booke thou wilt be sworne. "

" marry, by this booke, " the boy can say,
" as Christ himselfe be true to mee,
Tho mas Pott cold not his letter reade
for teares trickling in his eye. "

" if this be true, " the Ladye sayd,
" thou Bonny boy, thou tells to mee,
40 s I did thee p ro mise,
but heeres 10 Ile giue itt thee.

" all my maids, " the Lady sayd,
" tha t this day doe waite on mee,
wee will ffall downe vpon our knees,
for Tho mas Pott now pray will wee.

" if his ffortune be now ffor to winn,
wee will pray to christ in Trinytye;
Ile make him the fflower of all his kinn,
ffor they Lo rd of Arrundale he shalbe. "

now lett vs leaue talking of this Ladye faire,
in her prayer good where shee can bee;
& Ile tell you hou Tho mas Pott
for ayd to his Lo rd & m aster came hee.

& when hee came Lo rd Iockye before,
he kneeled him low downe on his knee;
saies, " thou art welcome Tho mas Pott!
thou art allwayes full of thy curtesye

" has thou slaine any of thy ffellowes,
or hast thou wrought me some villanye? "
" S i r, none of my ffellowes I haue slaine,
nor I haue wrought you noe villanye;

" but I haue a loue in Scottland ffaire,
I doubt I must lose her through pouertye;
if you will not beleeue me by word of mouth,
behold the letter shee writt vnto mee. "

when Lo rd Iockye looked the letter vpon,
the tender words in itt cold bee:
" Tho mas Pott, take thou no care,
thoust neuer loose her throughe pouertye.

" thou shalt have 40 a weeke,
in gold & siluer thou shalt rowe,
& Harbye towne I will thee allowe
as longe as thou dost meane to wooe;

" thou shalt haue 40 tye of thy ffellowes ffaire,
& 40 horsse to goe w i th thee,
& 40 speares of the best I haue,
& I my-selfe in thy companye. "

" I thanke you, M aster , " sayd Tho mas Pott,
" neither man nor boy shall goe w i th mee;
I wold not ffor a 1000:
take one man in my companye. "

" why then, god be w i th thee, Tho mas Pott!
thou art well knowen & proued for a man;
Looke thou shedd no guiltlesse bloode,
nor neuer confound no gentlman;

" but looke thou take w i th him some truce,
apoint a place of lybertye;
lett him p ro vide as well as hee cann,
& as well p ro vided thou shalt bee. "

& when Tho mas Pott came to Gilford greene,
& walked there a litle beside,
then was hee ware of the Lo rd Phenix,
& w i th him Ladye Rozamund his bryde.

away by the bryde rode Tho mas of Pott,
but noe word to her tha t he did say;
but when he came Lo rd Phenix before,
he gaue him the right time of the day.

" O thou art welcome, Tho mas a Potts!
thou serving man, welcome to mee!
how ffares they Lo rd & M aster att home,
& all the Ladyes in thy cuntrye? "

" S i r, my Lo rd & my M aster is in verry good health;
I wott I ken itt soe readylye.
I pray you, will you ryde to one outsyde,
a word or towe to talke w i th mee. "

" you are a Nobleman, " sayd Tho mas a Potts,
" yee are a borne Lo rd in Scottland ffree;
you may gett Ladyes enowe att home;
you shall neuer take my loue ffrom mee! "

" away, away, thou Tho mas a Potts!
thou seruing man, stand thou a-side!
I wott theres not a serving man this day,
I know, can hinder mee of my bryde. "

" If I be but a seruing man, " sayd Tho mas ,
" & you are a Lord of honor ffree,
a speare or 2 Ile w i th you runn,
before Ile loose her thus cowardlye. "

" on Gilford greene, " Lo rd Ph enix saies, " Ile thee meete;
neither man nor boy shall come hither w i th mee. "
" & as I am a man, " said Tho mas a Pott,
" Ile haue as ffew in my companye. "

w i th tha t the wedding-day was stayd,
the bryde went vnmarryed home againe;
then to her maydens ffast shee loughe,
& in her hart shee was ffull ffaine.

" but all my mayds, " they Ladye sayd,
" tha t this day doe waite on mee,
wee will ffall downe againe vpon our knees,
for Tho mas a Potts now pray will wee.

" if his ffortune be ffor to winn, —
weele pray to Christ in Trynitye, —
Ile make him the fflower of all his kinn,
for the Lo rd of Arrundale he shalbe. "

[The Second Part.]

now let vs leaue talking of this Lady fayre,
in her prayers good where shee can bee;
Ile tell you the troth how Tho mas a Potts
for aide to his Lord againe came hee.

& when he came to strawberry castle,
to try ffor his Ladye he had but one weeke;
alacke, ffor sorrow hee cannott fforbeare,
for 4 dayes then he ffell sicke.

w i th tha t his Lo rd & M aster to him came,
sayes, " I pray thee, Tho mas , tell mee w i thout all doubt,
whether hast thou gotten the bonny Ladye,
or thou man gange the Ladye w i thoute. "

" marry, m aster , yett tha t matter is vntryde;
w i thin 2 dayes tryed itt must bee.
he is a Lo rd , & I am but a seruing man:
I doubt I must loose her through pouertye. "
" why, Tho mas a Pott, take thou no care;
thoust neuer loose her through pouertye;

" thou shalt haue halfe my Land a yeere,
& tha t will raise thee many a pound;
before thou shalt loose thy bonny ladye,
thou shalt drop angells w i th him to the ground

" & thou shalt haue 40 of thy ffellowes ffaire,
& 40 horsses to goe w i th thee,
& 40 speres of the best I haue,
& I my-selfe in thy companye. "

" I thanke you, M aster , " sayd Tho mas a Potts,
" but of one thinge, S i r, I wold be ffaine;
If I shold loose my bonny Ladye,
how shall I increase yo u r goods againe? "

" why, if thou winn thy Lady ffaire,
thou maye well fforth for to pay mee;
if thou loose thy Lady, thou hast losse enoughe;
not one penny I will aske thee. "

" M aster , you haue 30 horsses in one hold,
you keepe them ranke and royallye;
theres an old horsse, — for him you doe not care, —
this day wold sett my Lady ffree,

" tha t is a white, w i th a cutt tayle,
ffull 16 yeeres of age is hee;
giffe you wold lend me tha t old horsse,
then I shold gett her easilye. "

" thou takes a ffoolish p ar t, " the Lo rd Iockye sayd,
" & a ffoolish p ar t thou takes on thee;
thou shalt haue a better the[n] euer he was,
tha t 40 cost more nor hee. "

" O M aster , those horsses beene wild and wicked,
& litle they can skill of the old traine;
giffe I be out of my saddle cast,
they beene soe wild theyle neuer be tane againe.

" lett me haue age sober & wise;
itt is a p ar t of wisdome, you know itt plaine;
if I be out of my sadle cast,
heele either stand still or turne againe. "

" thou shalt haue tha t horsse w i th all my hart,
& my cote plate of siluer ffree,
& a 100 d men att thy backe
for to fight if neede shalbee "

" I thanke you, M aster , " said Tho mas a Potts,
" neither man nor boy shall goe w i th mee.
as you are a Lord off honor borne,
let none of my ffellowes know this of mee;

" ffor if they wott of my goinge,
I wott behind me they will not bee;
w i thout you keepe them vnder a locke,
vppon tha t greene I shall them see "

& when Tho mas came to Gilford greene
& walked there some houres 3;
then was he ware of the Lo rd Phenix,
and 4 men in his companye.

" you haue broken yo u r vow, " sayd Tho mas a Pott,
" yo u r vowe tha t you made vnto mee;
you said you wold come yo u r selfe alone,
& you haue brought more then 2 or 3. "

" these are my waiting men. " Lo rd Phenix sayd,
" tha t euery day doe waite on mee;
giffe any of these shold att vs stirr
my speare shold runn throwe his bodye. "

" Ile runn noe race, " said Tho mas Potts,
" till tha t this othe heere made may bee:
" if the one of vs be slaine,
the other fforgiuen tha t hee may bee" "

" Ile make a vow, " Lo rd Phenix sayes,
" my men shall beare wittnesse w i th thee,
giffe thou slay mee att this time,
neuer the worsse beloued in Scottland thou shalt bee. "

then they turned their horsses round about,
to run the race more egarlye.
Lo rd Phenix he was stiffe & stout,
he has runn Tho mas quite thorrow the thye,

& beere Tho mas out of his saddle ffaire;
vpon the ground there did hee lye.
he saies, " for my liffe I doe not care,
but ffor the loue of my Ladye.

" but shall I lose my Ladye ffaire?
I thought shee shold haue beene my wiffe;
I pray thee, Lo rd Phenix, ryde not away,
for w i th thee I will loose my Liffe. "

then Tho mas a Potts was a seruing man,
he was alsoe a Phisityan good;
he clapt his hand vpon his wound;
w i th some kind of words he stauncht the blood.

then into his sadle againe hee leepe,
the blood in his body began to warme;
he mist Lo rd Phenix bodye there,
but he run him quite throw the brawne of the arme,

& he bore him quite out of his saddle ffaire,
vpon the ground there did he lye;
he said, " I pray thee, Lo rd Phenix, rise & ffight,
or else yeeld this Ladye sweete to mee. "

" to ffight w i th thee, " q uo th Phenix, " I cannott stand;
nor ffor to ffight, I cannott, sure;
thou hast run me through the brawne of the arme;
noe longer of thy spere I cannott endure

" thoust haue tha t Ladye w i th all my hart,
sith itt was like neuer better to proue;
nor neuer a noble man this day
tha t will seeke to take a pore mans loue "

" Why then, be of good cheere, " saies Tho mas Pott,
" indeed, your bucher Ile neuer bee,
for Ile come & stanche yo u r bloode,
giff any thankes youle giue to mee "

as he was stanching the Phenix blood,
these words Tho mas a Pott cann to him proue,
" Ile neuer take a Ladye of you thus,
but here Ile giue you another choice:

" heere is a lane of 2 miles longe;
att either end sett wee will bee;
the Ladye shall sitt vs betweene.
& soe will wee sett this Ladye ffree. "

" if thoule doe soe, Lo rd Phenix sayes,
" Tho mas a Pott, as thou dost tell mee;
whether I gett her or goe w i thout her,
heeres 40 Ile giue itt thee. "

& when the Ladye there can stand,
a womans mind that day to proue;
" now, by my ffaith, " said this Ladye ffaire,
" this day Tho mas a Pott shall haue his owne loue. "

toward Tho mas a Pott the Lady shee went,
to leape behind him hastilye;
" nay, abyde a while, " sayd Lo rd Phenix,
" ffor better yett proued thou shalt bee:

" thou shalt stay heere w i th all thy maids, —
in number w i th thee thou hast but 3, —
Tho mas a Pott & Ile goe beyond yonder wall,
there the one of vs shall dye. "

& when they came beyond the wall,
the one wold not the other nye;
Lo rd Phenix he had giuen his word
w i th Tho mas a Pott neuer to ffight.

" giue me a Choice, " Lo rd Phenix sayes,
" Tho mas a Pott, I doe pray thee;
lett mee goe to yonder Ladye ffaire
to see whether shee be true to thee. "

& when hee came tha t Ladye too,
vnto that likesome dame sayd hee,
" now god thee saue, thou Ladye ffaire,
the heyre of all my Land thoust bee!

" ffor this Tho mas a Potts I haue slaine,
he hath more then deadlye wounds 2 or 3;
thou art mine owne Ladye, " he sayd,
" & marryed together wee will bee. "

the Ladye said, " if Tho mas a Potts this day thou haue slaine,
thou hast slaine a better man than eu er was thee;
& Ile sell all the state of my Lande,
but thoust be hanged on a gallow tree. "

w i th tha t they Lady shee ffell in a soone,
a greeued woman, I wott, was shee:
Lo rd Phenix hee was readye there,
tooke her in his armes most hastilye;

" O Lo rd , sweete, & stand on thy ffeete!
this day Tho mas a Pott aliue can bee;
Ile send ffor thy father, the Lo rd of Arrundale,
& marryed together I will you see.
giffe hee will you maintaine you well,
both gold and Land you shall haue from me. "

" Ile see tha t wedding, " my Lo rd of Arrundale said,
" of my daughters loue tha t is soe ffaire;
& sith itt will no better be,
of all my Land Tho mas a Pott shall be my heyre. "

" now all my maids, " the Ladye said,
" & Ladyes of England, faire & ffree,
looke you neuer change yo u r old loue for no new,
nor neuer change for no pouertye;

" ffor I had a louer true of mine owne,
a seruing man of a small degree;
ffrom Tho mas a Pott Ile turne his name,
& the Lo rd of Arrundale hee shall bee "
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