Thomas You Cannott
T HOMAS : vntyed his points apace,
& kindly hee beseeches
that shee wold giue him time & space
ffor to vntye his breeches.
" Content, Content, Content! " shee cryes.
he downe with his breeches imedyatlye,
& ouer her belly he Cast his thye
But then shee Cryes " Tho mas ! you Cannott, you Cannott!
O Tho mas , O Tho mas , you Canott! "
Tho mas , like a liuely ladd,
lay close downe by her side:
he had the worst Courage tha t eu er had man;
in conscience, the pore ffoole Cryed.
But then he gott some Courage againe,
& he crept vpon her belly amaine,
& thought to haue hitt her in the right vaine;
But then shee &c.
This maid was discontented in mind,
& angry was w i th Thomas,
tha t he the time soe long had space,
& cold nott p er forme his p ro mise
he p ro mised her a thing, 2 handfull att least,
w hi ch made this maid glad of such a ffeast;
but shee Cold not gett an Inch for a tast,
w hi ch made her cry &c.
Thomas went to Venus, the goddesse of loue,
& hartily he did pray,
tha t this ffaire maid might constant proue
till he p er formed what he did say.
in hart & mind they both wee[r]e content;
but ere he came att her, his courage was spent,
w hi ch made this maid grow discontent,
& angry was w i th Tho mas , w i th Tho mas ,
& angry was w i th Tho mas
Vulcan & venus, w i th Mars & Apollo,
they all 4 swore they wold ayd him;
Mars lent him his buckler & vulcan h[is ham m er,]
& downe by her side he laid him.
. . . . . . . . .
then . . . . . . . .
but all her body qu (?) . . . .
he tickled her, laid (?) . . . . .
& then shee Cryes . . . . . .
& then shee Cryes f . . Tho[mas] . . . .
This mayd wa . . . . . . .
tha t ffortune had lent hi . . . . .
ffull oft he had beene . . . . . .
yett neuer cold stop . . . . . .
he tickeled her tuch . . . . . .
he made her to tr . . . . . .
& Tho mas was glad he . . . . . .
& then shee cryes " toot . . . . .
& then shee cryes " toot . . . . .
& kindly hee beseeches
that shee wold giue him time & space
ffor to vntye his breeches.
" Content, Content, Content! " shee cryes.
he downe with his breeches imedyatlye,
& ouer her belly he Cast his thye
But then shee Cryes " Tho mas ! you Cannott, you Cannott!
O Tho mas , O Tho mas , you Canott! "
Tho mas , like a liuely ladd,
lay close downe by her side:
he had the worst Courage tha t eu er had man;
in conscience, the pore ffoole Cryed.
But then he gott some Courage againe,
& he crept vpon her belly amaine,
& thought to haue hitt her in the right vaine;
But then shee &c.
This maid was discontented in mind,
& angry was w i th Thomas,
tha t he the time soe long had space,
& cold nott p er forme his p ro mise
he p ro mised her a thing, 2 handfull att least,
w hi ch made this maid glad of such a ffeast;
but shee Cold not gett an Inch for a tast,
w hi ch made her cry &c.
Thomas went to Venus, the goddesse of loue,
& hartily he did pray,
tha t this ffaire maid might constant proue
till he p er formed what he did say.
in hart & mind they both wee[r]e content;
but ere he came att her, his courage was spent,
w hi ch made this maid grow discontent,
& angry was w i th Tho mas , w i th Tho mas ,
& angry was w i th Tho mas
Vulcan & venus, w i th Mars & Apollo,
they all 4 swore they wold ayd him;
Mars lent him his buckler & vulcan h[is ham m er,]
& downe by her side he laid him.
. . . . . . . . .
then . . . . . . . .
but all her body qu (?) . . . .
he tickled her, laid (?) . . . . .
& then shee Cryes . . . . . .
& then shee Cryes f . . Tho[mas] . . . .
This mayd wa . . . . . . .
tha t ffortune had lent hi . . . . .
ffull oft he had beene . . . . . .
yett neuer cold stop . . . . . .
he tickeled her tuch . . . . . .
he made her to tr . . . . . .
& Tho mas was glad he . . . . . .
& then shee cryes " toot . . . . .
& then shee cryes " toot . . . . .
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