Thou Long Disowned, Reviled, Oppressed

1. Thou long disowned, reviled, oppressed, Strange
2. How late thy bright and awful brow Breaks
friend of human kind, Seeking through weary
through these clouds of sin! Hail, Truth divine, we
years a rest Within our hearts to find,
know thee now; Angel of God, come in!

3. Come, though with purifying fire
And desolating sword!
Thou of all nations the desire,
Earth waits thy cleansing word.

4. Struck by the lightning of thy glance,
Let old oppressions die;
Before thy cloudless countenance
Let fear and falsehood fly.

5. Flood our dark life with golden day,
Convince, subdue, enthrall;
Then to a mightier yield thy sway,
And love be all in all!
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