Thou Waters, Tell Me Why.
O'er rocks where sea waves wrestled, far from yon city's height
A woman walked 'mid shadows, and watched for morning light.
A woman strong with purpose, though burdened with life's care,
The silvered tints of starlight matched threads in gold-brown hair.
But her heart and the waves grew restless,
As she thought of years gone by,
Of him she once loved truly--
Cried, waters, tell me why,
Thou waters tell me why!
Aged rocks lend me thy power 'gainst winds and tempest wild:
A woman's strife before me, I fain would be a child.
Long since 'twas said at parting, "Forever, love, good-bye."
And life merged into duty, Oh, waters, tell me why!
While plaintive seas are calling, my heart for one doth yearn,
"Find love in kindly service," sweet fern leaves sighed, "Return."
Sad waves then cease thy moaning--let hope's resplendent rays
Imbue my heart with courage--God's love's with me always.
A woman walked 'mid shadows, and watched for morning light.
A woman strong with purpose, though burdened with life's care,
The silvered tints of starlight matched threads in gold-brown hair.
But her heart and the waves grew restless,
As she thought of years gone by,
Of him she once loved truly--
Cried, waters, tell me why,
Thou waters tell me why!
Aged rocks lend me thy power 'gainst winds and tempest wild:
A woman's strife before me, I fain would be a child.
Long since 'twas said at parting, "Forever, love, good-bye."
And life merged into duty, Oh, waters, tell me why!
While plaintive seas are calling, my heart for one doth yearn,
"Find love in kindly service," sweet fern leaves sighed, "Return."
Sad waves then cease thy moaning--let hope's resplendent rays
Imbue my heart with courage--God's love's with me always.
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