Of the Thoughtes He Nourished by Night When He was Retired to Bed. Sonet 7 -

Sonet 7.

The sun his iourney ending in the west
Taking his lodging vp in Thetis bed
Though from oure sightes his beames be banished
Yet with his light the Antipodes be blest.

Now when the same tyme brings my sun to rest
Which me so oft of rest hath hindered
And whiter skin with white sheete couered
And softer cheeke doth on softe pillow rest.

Then I Oh sun of suns and light of lights
Wish me with those Antipodes to be
Which see and feele thy beames and heate by night
Well though the night both cold and darksome is
Yet halfe the dayes delight the night grants me
I feele my suns heate though his light I misse.
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