Thoughts on a Pore Joke
I LIKE fun — and I like jokes
'Bout as well as most o' folks! —
Like my joke, and like my fun; —
But a joke, I'll state right here,
'S got some p'int — er I don't keer
Fer no joke that hain't got none. —
I hain't got no use, I'll say,
Fer a pore joke, anyway!
F'r instunce, now, when some folks gits
To relyin' on theyr wits,
Ten to one they git too smart
And spile it all, right at the start!
Feller wants to jest go slow
And do his thinkin' first, you know.
'F I can't think up somepin' good,
I set still and chaw my cood!
'F you think nothin' — jest keep on,
But don't say it — er you're gone!
'Bout as well as most o' folks! —
Like my joke, and like my fun; —
But a joke, I'll state right here,
'S got some p'int — er I don't keer
Fer no joke that hain't got none. —
I hain't got no use, I'll say,
Fer a pore joke, anyway!
F'r instunce, now, when some folks gits
To relyin' on theyr wits,
Ten to one they git too smart
And spile it all, right at the start!
Feller wants to jest go slow
And do his thinkin' first, you know.
'F I can't think up somepin' good,
I set still and chaw my cood!
'F you think nothin' — jest keep on,
But don't say it — er you're gone!
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