Three Flies
Sprightly companions o' my dungeon cell —
Who'd ever think a man could like a fly —
But wait till you've got caught in such a H — — l
In which I've watch'd the months and years roll by.
" The three little flies " do frequent visit me —
Within the confines of my couch's net —
Time treats the little rascals tenderly
At their antics — 'pon my soul — I'm laughing yet!
They're marri'd now and lead lives of repute,
Clean wholesome lives, as wholesome beings should,
Which proves that you can civilize a brute
They'd buzz what I say's true, if but that they could.
Long life to " The three little flies, " cry I!
No more than they did do I e'er say die!
Who'd ever think a man could like a fly —
But wait till you've got caught in such a H — — l
In which I've watch'd the months and years roll by.
" The three little flies " do frequent visit me —
Within the confines of my couch's net —
Time treats the little rascals tenderly
At their antics — 'pon my soul — I'm laughing yet!
They're marri'd now and lead lives of repute,
Clean wholesome lives, as wholesome beings should,
Which proves that you can civilize a brute
They'd buzz what I say's true, if but that they could.
Long life to " The three little flies, " cry I!
No more than they did do I e'er say die!
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