Through Nurseryland

Now, rocking horse! rocking horse! where shall we go?
The world's such a very big place, you must know,
That to see all its wonders, the wiseacres say,
'Twould take us together a year and a day.

Suppose we first gallop to Banbury Cross,
To visit that lady upon a white horse,
And see if it's true that her fingers and toes
Make beautiful music, wherever she goes.

Then knock at the door of the Old Woman's Shoe,
And ask if her wonderful house is on view,
And peep at the children, all tucked up in bed,
And beg for a taste of the broth without bread.

On poor Humpty-Dumpty we'll certainly call,
Perhaps we might help him to get back on his wall;
Spare two or three minutes to comfort the Kits
Who've been kept without pie, just for losing their mits.

A rush to Jack Horner's, then down a steep hill,
Not over and over, like poor Jack and Jill!
So, rocking horse! rocking horse! scamper away,
Or we'll never get back in a year and a day.
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