Thus was the youth by turns a captive led
Thus was the youth by turns a captive led,
By smiling Hope, Dismay, and anxious Dread;
Till, rous'd by spouting Whales, his ardour glows,
And with new courage to the fight he goes:
Ajutt, a sad recluse from all she lov'd,
Retirement woo'd, by social joys unmov'd;
And true to love, as is th' attracted steel,
In thought felt ev'ry woe that he might feel.
By smiling Hope, Dismay, and anxious Dread;
Till, rous'd by spouting Whales, his ardour glows,
And with new courage to the fight he goes:
Ajutt, a sad recluse from all she lov'd,
Retirement woo'd, by social joys unmov'd;
And true to love, as is th' attracted steel,
In thought felt ev'ry woe that he might feel.
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