In thy footsteps' dust our faces Many a time and tide we've laid

In thy footsteps' dust our faces Many a time and tide we've laid;
Yea, aside the thought our secret From the folk to hide we've laid.

All the age-long reputation Of our forbears of good name
In the cup's and moonfaced skinker's Way, forswearing pride, we've laid.

Vault and porch of mosque and mosque-school, talk and prate of learned lore,
In the way of mirth and joyance And of rose-cheeked bride we've laid

Our weak hearts we have not burdened With the load of worldly care;
Nay, aside the heavy fardel, With one hairlet tied, we've laid.

Not with troops the realm of safety Have we taken; nor the base
Of Love's kingdom, by our only Might, unfortified, we've laid.

To those witching two narcissi Have we rendered up the soul
And the heart in yonder blackmoor Hyacinths to bide we've laid.

See the Loved One's eye, what magic It dispenseth, that once more,
Hope's foundation on an eyeglance, On a smile espied, we've laid!

In hope's corner, on her eyebrow, Lo! the eye of quest (like those
Who bewatch the new moon's coming In the Fasting-tide) we've laid.

Like the violet, withouten Her narcissus-eye's caress,
On the knee the head of passion, Dazed and heavy-eyed, we've laid.

Hafiz, seek for present pleasure; For the cash of wit and sense,
In the love of that Beloved, Curly-locked, aside we've laid.
Author of original: 
Khwaja Shams-ad-din Muhammad Hafiz
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