Thy Lips on Mine
When am I most at peace, when have I most
Of faith in sunlit heaven and light divine,
And least in death the shadowy sunless ghost?
— When, all the world shut out, with thee I sit;
The fire aglow, the red-shade candles lit,
Thy hand in mine.
When have I most of gladness here within
This stormy rain-dark town, where gas-jets shine
But for full many a year no star has been?
— When in thy glance I catch the sudden gleam
Of far-off waves, and pass into a dream,
Thine eyes on mine.
When have I most of joy's delicious throes,
The unearthly joy that baffles verse and line, —
Most sense of sweetness of the sovereign rose?
— When towards our bower of passion I retreat
And find love's mystic rapture strangely sweet,
Thy lips on mine!
When am I most at peace, when have I most
Of faith in sunlit heaven and light divine,
And least in death the shadowy sunless ghost?
— When, all the world shut out, with thee I sit;
The fire aglow, the red-shade candles lit,
Thy hand in mine.
When have I most of gladness here within
This stormy rain-dark town, where gas-jets shine
But for full many a year no star has been?
— When in thy glance I catch the sudden gleam
Of far-off waves, and pass into a dream,
Thine eyes on mine.
When have I most of joy's delicious throes,
The unearthly joy that baffles verse and line, —
Most sense of sweetness of the sovereign rose?
— When towards our bower of passion I retreat
And find love's mystic rapture strangely sweet,
Thy lips on mine!
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