On Tobacco
Hail Indian plant , to ancient times unknown,
A modern truly thou, and all our own!
Thou dear concomitant of nappy ale,
Thou sweet prolonger of an old man 's tale.
Or if thou'rt pulveris'd in smart rappee,
And reach Sir Fopling's brain (if brain there be)
He shines in dedications, poems, plays.
Soars in pindarics, and asserts the bays;
Thus dost thou every taste and genius hit,
In smoke thou'rt wisdom , and in snuff thou'rt wit .
A modern truly thou, and all our own!
Thou dear concomitant of nappy ale,
Thou sweet prolonger of an old man 's tale.
Or if thou'rt pulveris'd in smart rappee,
And reach Sir Fopling's brain (if brain there be)
He shines in dedications, poems, plays.
Soars in pindarics, and asserts the bays;
Thus dost thou every taste and genius hit,
In smoke thou'rt wisdom , and in snuff thou'rt wit .
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