Todenfeier am Grabe des Hochwohlgebornen Herrn, Herrn Philipp Friderich von Rieger


Still crushed the terror of our limbs
Rieger dead!
Still in our ears howling thunder resist-
Rieger, Rieger dead!
Like a flash, ignited in decline,
Disappears early in the east,
Flog the hero to Elohim!
If complaints about the corpse halls,
Complaints to the great man ?
Or villages fall warm tears,
Tears for the good man to love?
We villages with Rieger's sons cry?
With the patriots unite us?
Oh so feire weeping song
A sunset!

Large, o Rieger , was big your stage
United Your Spirit to His great shouts
Bigger was- your heart!
Engelhuld and divine mercy
Called the friend to your open arms;
Joyful innocence full joke
Laughed still in a silver gray ways,
Youth fire was still burning in the old men,
In the warrior prayed-the Christ.
Higher than the smile of your prince
(Ach! according to which so many thirsty stingy!)
Higher was you the one who is eternal.

Not to earth gods crawling small,
Favor of the rulers with subjects curses
To erwuchern was your costumes never
Loin the princes to represent,
To pray for the innocence of the throne
Was your pride on earth here.
Rank and power, the measly flakes
Fallen from the day of judgment,
Falling down like leaves in the storm,
And the pomp is nothing! -

Warriors KARLS! allow me here to keep
Come near her laurel full Old!
(Conscience burning flame red)
Dumpfig hollow out of your Rieger's bier,
Speaks to you, you sons of many years,
Speaks to you-death:

┬╗Earth gods-believes her unavenged
With the size kindischkleinen pride,
(All sums the narrow space of wood)
Compared to pound me?
Helps you of the monarch's favor
The often sparkles only on Knights star,
Helps the courtier snake art,
When obscured breaking your August?
Earth gods talking but,
When the gods haze zerstiebet,
Hath what you were still
If you-bad people bliebet?

Defying her to me with your proud ancestors,
That of you-two drops of blood
Ran in the veins of old heroes?
Insists on her inherited estate?
If you get there by Rieger ask Range
Follow him well KARLS grace until then?
If it is carried higher of the Knight's Cross,
As from the hustle His blesses?
When the judge flips through the book-entry,
He asks whether the large tote here
Climbed to the Temple of Triumph?
If you ask there how to him here idolized?
Is Elohim -as we ? "

But healing you ! Seliger ! Verklärter
Take satisfy your sun flight!
Your heart was humanity cheaper
As the size resplendent fraud!
Beautiful deeds were your treasures,
Piled for a beautiful world
Happy walked you through the golden nets,
Where the ambition their slaves falls.
When the giant armor proud size
Crushed Many great heroes heart
Flohst you free entschwungen the din
This world, and are-happy!

Where you at this eternal dawns
A laurel that never welket, pluck,
And this trust leaders planet
Gentle compassion niederblickst,
Where you at pure Seraphim
You schmiegst in eternal hugging,
And cheering at full harp tones
Kuehne wing weigh through the sky,
Where Rieger under Eden's bliss
This dreamy life rack,
And the truth shining like the sun,
He foams from a thousand tubes,

Dorten see we Jauchzet-brothers-
Dorten our Rieger again!
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