Tom Longe

Come in, Tom longtayle, come short hose & round,
Come ffatt gutts & slender, & all to be ffound,
Come fflatt Capp and ffether, & all to be found,
Strike home thy pipe, Tom Longe

Come lowcy, come laced shirt, come damm me, come [ruffe!]
Come holy geneua, a thing w i th-out Cuffe,
Come dughtye dom diego, w i th L INENS enough,
Strike &c.

Bring a fface out of England, a backe out of fran[ce,]
A belly ffrom fflanders, come all in a dance!
pinn buttockes of Spayne, aduance! aduance!
Strike &c.

Come bring in a wench shall ffitt euery natyon,
ffor shape & ffor makeing, a Taylors creatyon,
& new made againe to ffitt euery natyon.
Strike &c.

Come tricke itt, and tire itt, in anticke array!
Come trim itt, and trosse itt, and make vp the day,
for Tom & nell, nicke & Gill, make vp the hay!
Strike &c

A health to all Captaines tha t neu er was in warres,
tha ts knowne by their Scarletts, & not by their scarres!
a health to all Ladyes that neuer used Merkin,
yett their stuffe ruffles like Buff lether ierkin!
Str[ike &c.]

A health to all Courtiers tha t neuer bend knees!
& a health to all schollers tha t scornes their degrees!
a health to all Lawyers tha t neuer tooke ffees!
& a health to all welchemen tha t loues tosted Cheese!
Strike home the pipe, Tom Long!
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