Translation of the above

Parent of countless crimes, in headlong rage,
War with herself see frantic Gallia wage,
'Till worn and wasted by intestine strife,
She falls — her languid pulse scarce quick with life.
But soon she feels through every trembling vein,
New strength collected from convulsive pain:
Onward she moves, and sounds the dire alarm,
And bids insulted nations haste to arm;
Spreads wide the waste of War, and hurls the brand
Of Civil Discord o'er each troubled land,
While Desolation marks her furious course,
And thrones, subverted, bow beneath her force.

Behold! she pours her Monarch's guiltless blood,
And quaffs, with savage joy, the crimson flood;
Then, proud the deadly trophies to display
Of her foul crime, resistless bursts away,
Unaw'd by justice, unappall'd by fear,
And runs with giant strength her mad career.

Where'er her banners float in barbarous pride,
Where'er her conquest rolls its sanguine tide,
There, the fair fabric of establish'd law,
There social order, and religious awe,
Sink in the general wreck; indignant there
Honour and Virtue fly the tainted air;
Fly the mild duties of domestic life
That cheer the parent, that endear the wife,
The lingering pangs of kindred grief assuage,
Or soothe the sorrows of declining age. —

Nor yet can Hope presage the auspicious hour,
When Peace shall check the rage of lawless Power:
Nor yet the insatiate thirst of blood is o'er,
Nor yet has Rapine ravaged every shore.
Exhaustless Passion feeds the augmented flame,
And wild Ambition mocks the voice of Shame:
Revenge, with haggard look and scowling eyes,
Surveys with horrid joy the expected prize;
Broods o'er each remnant of monarchic sway,
And dooms to certain death his fancied prey. —

For midst the ruins of each falling state,
One FAVOUR'D NATION braves the general fate,
One favour'd nation, whose impartial laws
Of sober Freedom vindicate the cause;
Her simple manners, midst surrounding crimes,
Proclaim the genuine worth of ancient times
True to herself, unconquerably bold,
The Rights her valour gain'd she dares uphold;
Still with pure faith her promise dares fulfil,
Still bows submissive to the Almighty Will. —

Just Heav'n! how Envy kindles at the sight!
How mad Ambition plans the desperate fight!
With what new fury Vengeance hastes to pour
Her tribes of rapine from yon crowded shore!
Just Heav'n! how fair a victim at the shrine
Of injured Freedom shall her life resign,
If e'er, propitious to the vows of hate,
Unsteady Conquest stamp our mournful fate;
If e'er proud France usurp our ancient reign,
And ride triumphant o'er the insulted main!

Far hence the unmanly thought — The voice of Fame
Wafts o'er the applauding deep her Duncan's name.
What though the Conqueror of the Italian plains
Deem nothing gain'd, while this fair Isle remains,
Though his young breast with rash presumption glow,
He braves the vengeance of no vulgar foe:
Conqueror no more, full soon his laurel'd pride
Shall perish — whelm'd in Ocean's angry tide;
His broken bands shall rue the fatal day,
And scatter'd fleets proclaim B RITANNIA'S sway!
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