Translation from Theocritus. Idyllium 21.

Want can edge Wit, and Sciences inspire,
The Tutor of all Arts, if not the Sire:
Known such a Pother in the Brain to keep,
As robs poor Mortals of their balmy Sleep;
Or with short Slumbers if a Moment blest,
Care steps unkindly in, and breaks their Rest.
Two Fithermen, a Life of Thrift and Pain,
May some how serve the Moral to explain.
In their pleach'd Cabin, on a leafy Bed
Of dry Sea Weeds, and Osiers at their Head,
Supinely stretch'd their aged Limbs, and near
Their Baskets, Tools, and all their Fishing Geer,
Rods, Hooks and Lines, and Instruments, and Hairs,
And Baits of various Sorts, and various Snares;
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