Great noble Captaine of the Scottish band,
Exactly vertue you do acting stand,
Of grave designes, which shew you to be high,
Rightly well fitted for nobility:
Greatly may you your eger heart increase,
Egerly acting still true noblenes.
High Lord, sith you so highly do affect,
And vertues high things to your self select;
You egerly , O on by age may get,
Entring on higher honour Sir with it.
Exactly vertue you do acting stand,
Of grave designes, which shew you to be high,
Rightly well fitted for nobility:
Greatly may you your eger heart increase,
Egerly acting still true noblenes.
High Lord, sith you so highly do affect,
And vertues high things to your self select;
You egerly , O on by age may get,
Entring on higher honour Sir with it.
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