A Triad of British Evils
Sentiment, Oeconomy, and Greed;
The vices of old states, as of old men:
These three to certain dissolution lead.
For each to each is more than alien;
And each devoureth each with hungry speed;
Till the doomed habitation is a fen.
Sentiment, the vice of honest heart:
Oeconomy, the avarice of age:
Greed the rapacious monster both do thwart.
Greed for his hungry passions war doth wage;
Oeconomy [blank ]
Sentiment sickens at the bloody page.
And each and all have but one niggard sense;
One each and one to all, and all and each
Abuse it to their proper impotence.
The vices of old states, as of old men:
These three to certain dissolution lead.
For each to each is more than alien;
And each devoureth each with hungry speed;
Till the doomed habitation is a fen.
Sentiment, the vice of honest heart:
Oeconomy, the avarice of age:
Greed the rapacious monster both do thwart.
Greed for his hungry passions war doth wage;
Oeconomy [blank ]
Sentiment sickens at the bloody page.
And each and all have but one niggard sense;
One each and one to all, and all and each
Abuse it to their proper impotence.
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