
Men make most of

What they boast of.

" I've been," said Tom, with gun in hand,
" This morning shooting o'er my land."
" Ah! my own boy (forgive him, pray),"
Cried Dick, " shot o'er it yesterday.
Shot o'er it with a once-shot arrow,
As well he might, it was so narrow."

A Little Girl's Answer — " True"

" It is not nice of you to run
So much with Charles the gard'ner's son,"
Said Ma to Rosy. " No," cried she.
" I only went along the wall.
I did not go to him at all,
But only where he chanced to be."


" Good girls, my child, though not the worst,
Don't ask their mas to help them first
To fruit," said Ma. " 'Tis no hard task
For you to wait until I ask
If Rosy will have some."
" I don't ask for it, Ma," cried she,
But do you think you'll soon ask me
To take a peach or plum?"
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