The Tritans from the Marvels which they saw
The Tritans from the Marvels which they saw,
Did Omens of their Future homage draw;
They in the Hero view'd their coming King ,
And from Their wonder fell to Worshipping .
And what before was to the victor due,
They to the Monarch doubly here renew.
The River Nymphs forsake their native streams,
And make their Court to happier Thames ;
Their Pipes of Reeds and shelly Musick bring,
The Tritons play, while the young Naieds sing;
And all the listening shore along,
Of Jove ! and Juno ! was their Song.
Which oftentimes they did rehearse,
And l├┤ peans Crown'd the Verse!
The Tritans from the Marvels which they saw,
Did Omens of their Future homage draw;
They in the Hero view'd their coming King ,
And from Their wonder fell to Worshipping .
And what before was to the victor due,
They to the Monarch doubly here renew.
The River Nymphs forsake their native streams,
And make their Court to happier Thames ;
Their Pipes of Reeds and shelly Musick bring,
The Tritons play, while the young Naieds sing;
And all the listening shore along,
Of Jove ! and Juno ! was their Song.
Which oftentimes they did rehearse,
And l├┤ peans Crown'd the Verse!
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