Triumphs of Trophes, The: In Saphic verse of Iubiles
If David daunst for ioy before the Arke being a king
If Barac sang when Israels foes were foild,
Then victors wee that Deboras song may sing
Our Iudith stout Holofernes Mates hath spoild.
If Rome of Romane Triumphes earst was oft so glad
and likewise Greece of Grecians Trophes ioyed:
If Iewes of Iubilees their onlie mirth haue had
then England leap, and laugh aloud for Queene enioyd.
Now Baal and Bell , now Titanes sonnes are slaine,
their Prophets false their wicked Priests are kild
Their Pluto howles that Babels brood are taen,
their Tower did fall that Nimrods Imps did build.
Sith Nessus brood and Cassius crue are knowen
like Siluane Centaures conspirde your Realme to quaile,
Take courage Queene, for Sinon sleights abroad are blowen,
the Traitours found, and yet the treasons faile.
These Cicloppes seede which at your crowne doe kicke
and frame a forme to make your kingdome bleed,
Like Giants seeke with stones the starres to strike
but mist the marke and wound themselues in deed:
They vowd Zopirus vowes, to please Darius beck
they sought a new deuise which Sphinx of Rome the; taught,
They faine would finde, that England had one neck,
that by a stroke the head might off they sought —
Their match was made, their wager was not wonne,
their snares were laid, but yet their purpose mist,
Their day decreed, and yet the deed not done,
What thought Pyragmons sprats to doe, we know,
their Romish Iesabell Naboths vineyard sought,
Who like Medusa bends her cursed Bow
the onlie Circes , which hath this mischief wrought.
These vipers tend with Briareus hundred hands,
with hundred Argus eies these Scorpions wait,
These busie Basilisks and brood of Cocatrice stands
like Nilus Crocodiles hungrie for their bait.
These sucking serpents, these monstrous snakish crewe,
these blooddie Dragons like spiteful Asps are set,
With Hidras heads which erst Alcides slue
are now of late with our Bellona mette.
Of Canaan faine they would a Chaos make,
and bring Palladium in, our Ilion to deface,
A spoile for Hispaine , a feat for Fraunce in hand they take
and quite to make an end of Brutus race.
Thus these climing mates Enceladus like attempt,
in armes seeke Ioue from skies by force to take,
They seeke the Sun, the Moone, the Starres in great contempt
to obscure their light a deadlie Eclips to make.
They seeke with Phaaeton Phoebus charge to rest,
Vulcans net, Gordian knot they would vnknit
And breake their blooddie blades on Pallas breast,
thus they couet much in Moses chaire to sit.
To wrest from Hercules hand his Club, who can?
who may from Ioue , his lightning take by force?
Homers verse, who can disgrace? I say no man,
who then can touch a sacred Princes coarse.
Though Caesar was in Senate slaine by Brute his friend,
Though Cirus head was bathd in blood luke warme,
No maruaile though, for blood requireth blood at thend
but mercie too much thine, I feare doth harme,
For if Laban was for Iacob sake so blest,
and Putiphars hap, by Iosephs meane no lesse
Our hap, our blisse, our ioyes wherein we rest,
For whom it is, we must of force confesse.
Who with Ionas gourd hath sau'de vs from the Sunne,
Who with Aser shoes, hath kept vs from the mire?
Who hath with Dauids sling Golias mates vndone.
our Cynthia , she who hath appeas'd Iehouas ire.
These on Bellerephons horse do ride in skie,
with Icarus wings to clime in cloudes is their drift,
These would make Architas woodden Doue to flie,
What blinde Tirestas doth not see their shift.
In Phaetonissa schoole, at Endor they were taught,
with Dracos ink to write, with Creons seale to signe,
With Iudas kisse to kill, with Hamons haue they sought,
both Iudaes spoyle, and Sions fall in fine.
These secret Satires , these cruell Catelins wait,
these dogs of Moabs house greadie of their pray.
Like Eumenides whelpes tending on their bait,
Vultures for Prometheus guts readie set in ray.
They ventured Acherontas depth to wade,
they striued through Stigias streame to saile,
Mauger of Megeras head away they made,
by Carons help, Elisius field to assaile.
To make spotted Ewes with Iacobs stick they sought,
to walke vnseene, with Giges ring faine they would
Of Simon Magus these men would faine be taught,
like Curres by Circes charm'd to be with Lions bold.
Circes cup is falne, Calipsos sauce is shed
Balims d, their Harpies are descried,
Cerberus soppes are found, Sirens songs are red
Thus is Accaron knowen, and Romane Idoll tried.
Their drinke is blood, their bread is humane flesh,
Consuls heads with Preachers tongues their food, & what
Is their daintiest dish? Princes harts I gesse,
Thus like Basan Bulles, they feed their Pope with fat.
But time decreed, how long should Assur liue,
and God foretolde, when Pharaoes life should end,
To take thy life the man of sinne doth striue,
in vaine O Queene, when Angels thee defend.
Could Ionas in the raging Seas be drownd?
could Lions Daniel in their Dennes deuoure?
Might Misael burne in firie furnace bound?
durst Traitours blade attempt our sacred Princes bowre?
A blast of winde made Th'assirians hoast to flie,
Earthen pots made Madianites to take their flight,
Hornes threw Ierichoes wall flat on ground to be,
God makes Flies, Frogs, Rats and Lice, for him to fight.
Cains curse, Herods death, I wish on them to fall,
that seeke a sacred Prince with secret sword to kill,
Iudas death to good for Iudas mates I call,
who bathes in blood, and drinke of blood their fill.
But Serpents neuer build in Boxe, nor breede
in Cipres tree, no Canker can the Emerald touch,
Euen so these hellish Heliottes cannot feed,
on her whose vertues rare amaseth such.
These Minotaurus brood from Rome , from Creete ,
with sword and fire, in Albion swarme like Bees
Like Sampsons Foxes with fired tailes and feete,
they dread no death to winne a Popish fees.
In Rhodes was neuer seen, they say, an Eagles nest
Creete can breed no Owle,
And Crowes in Athens were neuer seen at least
that England breedes no wolues, an error foule.
Cymerians blinde, that haunts onius Caue,
could neuer bide the shining Sunne in sight,
Who still in darknesse dwell, the light doe neuer craue,
but like Cacus Captuies shrouded are with night.
A simple Goat could asswage god Faunus ire,
a grunting hog could Neptunes rage appease,
A seelie Cocke could coole Asculapius fire,
but Lions cround, the bull of Rome must please.
His Dan and Bethell , sacred Pantheon cald,
his sinagoge esteemes no Oxe, no Calfe, no Bull,
But blood of kings in Royall seates enstald,
wherein Perillus part he plaies at full.
No fire in Rome could Romulus staffe consume,
no meanes might make king Pyrrhus toes to burne
But Pope with Naeuius knife euer durst presume,
with Briers and Brambles make Caedar trees to mourn.
But might these mates haue had but Aarons rod in hand
or could haue borrowed Elias cloke no doubt,
They had made the Seas, on both sides for to stand,
that Fraunce and Spaine might make the slaughter out.
Their Dagon fell, our sacred Arke stood vp,
their Pharao myst, our Moses did preuaile,
Their crosse was downe, our crowne did neuer stoupe,
Their Barge did sinke, our Ship top gallant saile,
Noughtie Nabals curse on Dauid neuer fell:
Achitophels cruel counsaile did no good
to Absalon , when Absalon did rebell:
Semel could doe no harme, when Semei God withstood.
Elizeus bones could raise the Dead from graue,
Peters shadowe passing by, made sicke men hole.
Paules handkercher from death, did many saue,
thus vertue deales to vertuous men her dole
But Bulles of Rome and Beares of Hispaine did more,
they murther whom they will, and pardon whom they list,
Kings from crownes depriue, and Kings to crownes restore,
thus to shadow Caesars state, the Pope hath euer wisht.
If Dathan and Abiron sanke for treason wrought,
if Assur , Pharo so enuied Dauids seat,
If Greekes Iewes and Gentiles Iacobs starre haue sought,
these Gorgons would Eliza faine from Crowne defeat.
When Perseus sword shall snatch of Medusas head,
when Mercuries whistle lulls Argos eies to sleep,
When Phaebus faulchion kils monstrous Python dead,
then shall Eliza make Romane Cerberus creepe.
Though still you beare the Oliue branch in breast,
yet some wish you Hermes Harpen in your hand,
Though you the Lambe imbrace, the Lion is your beast,
for mercie must with iustice ioine to rule a land.
Cleanse Augeus hall, destroy Stymphalides seede,
your souldiers readie preast, do stand in aray,
Thunders, hailstones, brimstone, fier, your foes shal speede
Angels armd, hosts from hie, God himself will say.
To Cumae trudge, of Sibill knowe your fates,
to Ammons priests, at Ammons temple scrape.
To Delphos post, call and knock at Phaebus gates,
to knowe of Phaebus how traitors best may scape.
No Iewell, Gemme, no goulde to giue I had,
no Indian stones, no Persean gaze in hand.
No pearles from Pactolus to a Prince, yet glad,
these happie Halcions daies to see in Britaine land.
If Barac sang when Israels foes were foild,
Then victors wee that Deboras song may sing
Our Iudith stout Holofernes Mates hath spoild.
If Rome of Romane Triumphes earst was oft so glad
and likewise Greece of Grecians Trophes ioyed:
If Iewes of Iubilees their onlie mirth haue had
then England leap, and laugh aloud for Queene enioyd.
Now Baal and Bell , now Titanes sonnes are slaine,
their Prophets false their wicked Priests are kild
Their Pluto howles that Babels brood are taen,
their Tower did fall that Nimrods Imps did build.
Sith Nessus brood and Cassius crue are knowen
like Siluane Centaures conspirde your Realme to quaile,
Take courage Queene, for Sinon sleights abroad are blowen,
the Traitours found, and yet the treasons faile.
These Cicloppes seede which at your crowne doe kicke
and frame a forme to make your kingdome bleed,
Like Giants seeke with stones the starres to strike
but mist the marke and wound themselues in deed:
They vowd Zopirus vowes, to please Darius beck
they sought a new deuise which Sphinx of Rome the; taught,
They faine would finde, that England had one neck,
that by a stroke the head might off they sought —
Their match was made, their wager was not wonne,
their snares were laid, but yet their purpose mist,
Their day decreed, and yet the deed not done,
What thought Pyragmons sprats to doe, we know,
their Romish Iesabell Naboths vineyard sought,
Who like Medusa bends her cursed Bow
the onlie Circes , which hath this mischief wrought.
These vipers tend with Briareus hundred hands,
with hundred Argus eies these Scorpions wait,
These busie Basilisks and brood of Cocatrice stands
like Nilus Crocodiles hungrie for their bait.
These sucking serpents, these monstrous snakish crewe,
these blooddie Dragons like spiteful Asps are set,
With Hidras heads which erst Alcides slue
are now of late with our Bellona mette.
Of Canaan faine they would a Chaos make,
and bring Palladium in, our Ilion to deface,
A spoile for Hispaine , a feat for Fraunce in hand they take
and quite to make an end of Brutus race.
Thus these climing mates Enceladus like attempt,
in armes seeke Ioue from skies by force to take,
They seeke the Sun, the Moone, the Starres in great contempt
to obscure their light a deadlie Eclips to make.
They seeke with Phaaeton Phoebus charge to rest,
Vulcans net, Gordian knot they would vnknit
And breake their blooddie blades on Pallas breast,
thus they couet much in Moses chaire to sit.
To wrest from Hercules hand his Club, who can?
who may from Ioue , his lightning take by force?
Homers verse, who can disgrace? I say no man,
who then can touch a sacred Princes coarse.
Though Caesar was in Senate slaine by Brute his friend,
Though Cirus head was bathd in blood luke warme,
No maruaile though, for blood requireth blood at thend
but mercie too much thine, I feare doth harme,
For if Laban was for Iacob sake so blest,
and Putiphars hap, by Iosephs meane no lesse
Our hap, our blisse, our ioyes wherein we rest,
For whom it is, we must of force confesse.
Who with Ionas gourd hath sau'de vs from the Sunne,
Who with Aser shoes, hath kept vs from the mire?
Who hath with Dauids sling Golias mates vndone.
our Cynthia , she who hath appeas'd Iehouas ire.
These on Bellerephons horse do ride in skie,
with Icarus wings to clime in cloudes is their drift,
These would make Architas woodden Doue to flie,
What blinde Tirestas doth not see their shift.
In Phaetonissa schoole, at Endor they were taught,
with Dracos ink to write, with Creons seale to signe,
With Iudas kisse to kill, with Hamons haue they sought,
both Iudaes spoyle, and Sions fall in fine.
These secret Satires , these cruell Catelins wait,
these dogs of Moabs house greadie of their pray.
Like Eumenides whelpes tending on their bait,
Vultures for Prometheus guts readie set in ray.
They ventured Acherontas depth to wade,
they striued through Stigias streame to saile,
Mauger of Megeras head away they made,
by Carons help, Elisius field to assaile.
To make spotted Ewes with Iacobs stick they sought,
to walke vnseene, with Giges ring faine they would
Of Simon Magus these men would faine be taught,
like Curres by Circes charm'd to be with Lions bold.
Circes cup is falne, Calipsos sauce is shed
Balims d, their Harpies are descried,
Cerberus soppes are found, Sirens songs are red
Thus is Accaron knowen, and Romane Idoll tried.
Their drinke is blood, their bread is humane flesh,
Consuls heads with Preachers tongues their food, & what
Is their daintiest dish? Princes harts I gesse,
Thus like Basan Bulles, they feed their Pope with fat.
But time decreed, how long should Assur liue,
and God foretolde, when Pharaoes life should end,
To take thy life the man of sinne doth striue,
in vaine O Queene, when Angels thee defend.
Could Ionas in the raging Seas be drownd?
could Lions Daniel in their Dennes deuoure?
Might Misael burne in firie furnace bound?
durst Traitours blade attempt our sacred Princes bowre?
A blast of winde made Th'assirians hoast to flie,
Earthen pots made Madianites to take their flight,
Hornes threw Ierichoes wall flat on ground to be,
God makes Flies, Frogs, Rats and Lice, for him to fight.
Cains curse, Herods death, I wish on them to fall,
that seeke a sacred Prince with secret sword to kill,
Iudas death to good for Iudas mates I call,
who bathes in blood, and drinke of blood their fill.
But Serpents neuer build in Boxe, nor breede
in Cipres tree, no Canker can the Emerald touch,
Euen so these hellish Heliottes cannot feed,
on her whose vertues rare amaseth such.
These Minotaurus brood from Rome , from Creete ,
with sword and fire, in Albion swarme like Bees
Like Sampsons Foxes with fired tailes and feete,
they dread no death to winne a Popish fees.
In Rhodes was neuer seen, they say, an Eagles nest
Creete can breed no Owle,
And Crowes in Athens were neuer seen at least
that England breedes no wolues, an error foule.
Cymerians blinde, that haunts onius Caue,
could neuer bide the shining Sunne in sight,
Who still in darknesse dwell, the light doe neuer craue,
but like Cacus Captuies shrouded are with night.
A simple Goat could asswage god Faunus ire,
a grunting hog could Neptunes rage appease,
A seelie Cocke could coole Asculapius fire,
but Lions cround, the bull of Rome must please.
His Dan and Bethell , sacred Pantheon cald,
his sinagoge esteemes no Oxe, no Calfe, no Bull,
But blood of kings in Royall seates enstald,
wherein Perillus part he plaies at full.
No fire in Rome could Romulus staffe consume,
no meanes might make king Pyrrhus toes to burne
But Pope with Naeuius knife euer durst presume,
with Briers and Brambles make Caedar trees to mourn.
But might these mates haue had but Aarons rod in hand
or could haue borrowed Elias cloke no doubt,
They had made the Seas, on both sides for to stand,
that Fraunce and Spaine might make the slaughter out.
Their Dagon fell, our sacred Arke stood vp,
their Pharao myst, our Moses did preuaile,
Their crosse was downe, our crowne did neuer stoupe,
Their Barge did sinke, our Ship top gallant saile,
Noughtie Nabals curse on Dauid neuer fell:
Achitophels cruel counsaile did no good
to Absalon , when Absalon did rebell:
Semel could doe no harme, when Semei God withstood.
Elizeus bones could raise the Dead from graue,
Peters shadowe passing by, made sicke men hole.
Paules handkercher from death, did many saue,
thus vertue deales to vertuous men her dole
But Bulles of Rome and Beares of Hispaine did more,
they murther whom they will, and pardon whom they list,
Kings from crownes depriue, and Kings to crownes restore,
thus to shadow Caesars state, the Pope hath euer wisht.
If Dathan and Abiron sanke for treason wrought,
if Assur , Pharo so enuied Dauids seat,
If Greekes Iewes and Gentiles Iacobs starre haue sought,
these Gorgons would Eliza faine from Crowne defeat.
When Perseus sword shall snatch of Medusas head,
when Mercuries whistle lulls Argos eies to sleep,
When Phaebus faulchion kils monstrous Python dead,
then shall Eliza make Romane Cerberus creepe.
Though still you beare the Oliue branch in breast,
yet some wish you Hermes Harpen in your hand,
Though you the Lambe imbrace, the Lion is your beast,
for mercie must with iustice ioine to rule a land.
Cleanse Augeus hall, destroy Stymphalides seede,
your souldiers readie preast, do stand in aray,
Thunders, hailstones, brimstone, fier, your foes shal speede
Angels armd, hosts from hie, God himself will say.
To Cumae trudge, of Sibill knowe your fates,
to Ammons priests, at Ammons temple scrape.
To Delphos post, call and knock at Phaebus gates,
to knowe of Phaebus how traitors best may scape.
No Iewell, Gemme, no goulde to giue I had,
no Indian stones, no Persean gaze in hand.
No pearles from Pactolus to a Prince, yet glad,
these happie Halcions daies to see in Britaine land.
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