Trust in the Promise of Divine Assistance

O Folly, chief in folly's shame!
O baseness, of the basest name!
Him to resist, resisting grieve,
Who sought thy misery to relieve;

Show'd thee thy sins, thy danger show'd,
Warn'd to escape, display'd the road;
And, with his gentle touches, strove
To win possession of thy love.

Illuminating Spirit, shine
Once more; and make my soul thy shrine:
Thy work of sanctity revive,
Once more with me unworthy strive.

I fear he will not: dark, forlorn,
With tears I've woo'd him to return:
He stands aloof; though still I pray.
O insupportable delay!

Ah! how shall I, thus left alone,
O'ercome my sins now stronger grown?
How gain that faith, whose strength subdues
The world with all its tempting views?

How, ever, shall my soul posses
The placid joys of righteousness;
The cheering hopes, the pure desires,
And all which love to God inspires?

I hear, I hear a gentle voice;
" Rejoice, dejected soul, rejoice.
" 'Tis mine the spirit to bestow,
" The glorious purchase of my woe.

" My Father glorifies my name,
" From him this high donation came.
" Ask, seek, pursue; the noble boon
" Shall crown thy ardent wishes soon. "

My soul, thy drooping courage raise,
Prepare, prepare the song of praise;
And, shaking off the mourner's dust,
Fulfillment of the promise trust.
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