'Twas a solemn feast in Greenland held

'Twas at a solemn feast in Greenland held,
Where beauteous Ajutt ev'ry nymph excell'd,
That Anningait first saw the blooming fair,
With modest sense, and unaffected air;
He gaz'd with rapture! Ajutt did the same!
Their souls, congenial, caught the rising flame;
On her, alone, he fix'd his firm regard,
The choicest Whale was to her board prefer'd;
A spotless ermine (emblem of her mind)
To deck her shoulders he from his resign'd;
With these a gift of greater worth bestow'd,
A heart all her's, a heart supremely good;
To sing her charms his artless voice was fir'd,
Thus flow'd the lay which love and she inspir'd: —
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