
Your love is terrible.
Oh, do not love me so much!
Sometimes there are moments
Fear comes to me because of our love,
That it is a prison about me, holding me in,
That it owns me, owns the separateness of me.

Oh, I am bound down with love!
Like bands about me is our love;
Fastened over my wrists, fastened on my head,
Fastened on my mouth, to stifle;
Catching and holding me, each move and reach;
So that I forget it is love that holds me,
So that I only wish to push it from me,
To loosen those cords, those thongs about me.

Let us be two again!
We who have been so intricately one,
Let us be two.
For finally there is never one,
And unity is but annihilation.
Give me back to myself,
Myself to my own self again.
Oh, let us be two. Two!
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