Upon Parting with a Friend


And can the affects of Cordial Friendship be
So apt to raise a Tumult in the Mind?
Or so injurious to my Friend and me,
To make us to each other seem unkind?
'Twere then but weak; nay Weakness surely must
Be challeng'd ours: Friendship is always just.


May we not innocently then rejoyce
In the Society of Bosom-Friends?
Yea; yet we cannot always have our choice,
Since things below unto Mutation tends.
True Friends must part of meer necessity;
Best Titles here are but uncertainty.


Yet might the Ocean cease to ebb and flow,
Ere I should once ungratefully deny
Those Obligations deep, whereby I owe
Much more to thee, than my poor Company
Could e'er retaliate in many days;
But I might suffer Losses other ways.


Whilst she, obliging she, might never want,
What was so much desir'd, Society ;
There's many too ambitiously would grant
That which themselves would so much gratify.
Why should she then strive for a thing so mean,
And scarcely worth the Labour to obtain?


Then why should too too furious fiery Zeal,
Usurp a place in such a Noble Heart,
Where only Love should evermore prevail,
(As knowing best to act true Friendships part)
Which thinks no Evil, but doth tenderly
Heal, or conceal and hide Infirmity?


They that are unengag'd in Wedlock, seem
T'enjoy a Priviledge of Liberty,
To act Spontaneously, and may redeem
Time to enjoy a Friend; yet frequently
Such can plead urgent Business to withdraw,
And think it is no Breach of Friendships Law.


When such as are by nuptial Tye confin'd,
Should not be censur'd in Sarcastick Strains,
Lest some seem Cruel, when they would be Kind;
And so change Mutual Pleasures into Pains:
Therefore let Heats and Animosities,
On Friendship's Score, no more among us rise.
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