Upon Report There Should Be No More Terms Kept at Westminster
Is't possible? will no Terms then prevail?
And must the Gown and Bag jog on to sale?
The Bills and Answers in our Courts become
Converted to the taring use of Drum?
And shall no more Confederacies pass
'Twixt Midsomer and dying Michaelmas?
Though they deprive us of Old Hillary ,
'Tis fit they should allow the Trinity;
But that's denyed too: this Alteration
Contracts our whole time to a long Vacation .
Now farewell the Brownbowl , and Bonny Ale ,
The Sanguine Herring , and its merry tayle;
Higgenian Quibbles , and the Harpean Lyre ,
Fentonian Sweetness , and the Tow'ring Fire:
Our Host and Hostess too, they're both Vxorums ,
As Hermophraditus is, in Sex Duorums:
Weep Heaven , lament thy loss, and thou Hell rore,
Thy Furnace scarce will ere be heated more;
Of Pleasure, Paradise , thou must be barren,
And Purgatory furnisht but with Carrion:
Th' Abomination of the Hole i'th' Wall ,
Now June is past, cry Pamphlets in the Hall :
And she that's left but th' remnant of a Nose,
Who to a Chirurgion (as men do suppose)
Did pawn the other part for cure of this,
Turn Zealot , and be Martyr'd when she p — —
All Trades , and all Societies lament
Your wants in us, you'le find cause to repent
The setting up your Idol Parliament:
For though on these Terms they'le no profit give
To Us, we'll try on other Terms to live.
And must the Gown and Bag jog on to sale?
The Bills and Answers in our Courts become
Converted to the taring use of Drum?
And shall no more Confederacies pass
'Twixt Midsomer and dying Michaelmas?
Though they deprive us of Old Hillary ,
'Tis fit they should allow the Trinity;
But that's denyed too: this Alteration
Contracts our whole time to a long Vacation .
Now farewell the Brownbowl , and Bonny Ale ,
The Sanguine Herring , and its merry tayle;
Higgenian Quibbles , and the Harpean Lyre ,
Fentonian Sweetness , and the Tow'ring Fire:
Our Host and Hostess too, they're both Vxorums ,
As Hermophraditus is, in Sex Duorums:
Weep Heaven , lament thy loss, and thou Hell rore,
Thy Furnace scarce will ere be heated more;
Of Pleasure, Paradise , thou must be barren,
And Purgatory furnisht but with Carrion:
Th' Abomination of the Hole i'th' Wall ,
Now June is past, cry Pamphlets in the Hall :
And she that's left but th' remnant of a Nose,
Who to a Chirurgion (as men do suppose)
Did pawn the other part for cure of this,
Turn Zealot , and be Martyr'd when she p — —
All Trades , and all Societies lament
Your wants in us, you'le find cause to repent
The setting up your Idol Parliament:
For though on these Terms they'le no profit give
To Us, we'll try on other Terms to live.
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