To Venetian Artists

That God is colouring Newton does shew
And the devil is a Black outline all of us know
Perhaps this little Fable may make us merry
A dog went over the water without a wherry
A bone which he had stolen he had in his mouth
He cared not whether the wind was north or south
As he swam he saw the reflection of the bone
This is quite Perfection, [heres two for one/what a brilliant tone] one Generalizing Tone
Outline Theres no outline Theres no such thing
All is Chiaro Scuro Poco Pen [&] its all colouring
[Then He snapd &] Snap. Snap! he has lost shadow & substance too
He had them both before now how do ye do
A great deal better than I was before
[Ive tasted shadow &] Those who taste colouring love it more & more
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