Venus and Adonis

Soon as the infant sun had deck'd the skies,
With eager haste Adonis did arise;
O'er meadows tipp'd with morning dew
The sprightly shepherd nimbly flew,
And thus the wanton boy
In sweetest tones express'd his joy.


Chrystal streams like silver shining,
Blended branches softly twining,
Smiling plains and verdant groves,
Are objects that Adonis loves.

Let silly shepherds court despair
And languish for some cruel fair;
Uncommon bliss I here enjoy,
Too calm to kill, too sweet to cloy.


A savage boar came o'er the plain,
And rudely tore the hapless swain,
Who, struggling, call'd for help in vain.
His cries were heard by beauty's chief,
Who nimbly flew to his relief;
But when she found him dead, she thus express'd her grief.


Let dire destruction quickly fall
On Heav'n, on earth, on me and all;
Let lightning flash, let thunder roar,
Since dear Adonis is no more.

Unhinge, unhinge, ye starry spheres;
Let grating discord fill my ears;
Let flames devouring all destroy,
Since I have lost my darling boy.
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