Verses Made by Sappho, Done from the Greek by Boyleau, and from the French by a Lady of Quality
Happy who near you sigh, for you alone
Who hears you speak, or whom you smile upon:
You well for this might scorn a Starry Throne.
To this compar'd the Heav'nly Bliss they prove,
No Envy raises; for the Powers a Love
Ne'er tasted, Joys, compar'd to such above.
When ere I look on you, through every Vein,
Subtil as Lightning flies the nimble Flame,
I'm all o'er Rapture, while all over Pain.
And while my Soul does in these Transports stray,
My Voice disdains to teach my Tongue its way;
Each faculty does now its trust betray.
A Cloud of wild Confusion veils my sight,
Sounds vainly strike my Ears, my Eyes the light,
Soft Languishment my Senses disunite.
Swift trembling streight o'er all my Body flies,
Life frightned thence, Love dos his place supply,
Disorder'd, Breathless, Pale, and Cold, I die.
Happy who near you sigh, for you alone
Who hears you speak, or whom you smile upon:
You well for this might scorn a Starry Throne.
To this compar'd the Heav'nly Bliss they prove,
No Envy raises; for the Powers a Love
Ne'er tasted, Joys, compar'd to such above.
When ere I look on you, through every Vein,
Subtil as Lightning flies the nimble Flame,
I'm all o'er Rapture, while all over Pain.
And while my Soul does in these Transports stray,
My Voice disdains to teach my Tongue its way;
Each faculty does now its trust betray.
A Cloud of wild Confusion veils my sight,
Sounds vainly strike my Ears, my Eyes the light,
Soft Languishment my Senses disunite.
Swift trembling streight o'er all my Body flies,
Life frightned thence, Love dos his place supply,
Disorder'd, Breathless, Pale, and Cold, I die.
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