Versicles on Sign-Posts

The everlasting surliness of a lion, Saracen's head, &c. or the unchanging blandness of the Landlord welcoming a Traveller, on some Sign-posts, would be no bad similies of the constant affected fierceness of a Bully, or the eternal simper of a Frenchman or a Fiddler. —

He looked
Just as your Sign-post lions do,

As fierce, and quite as harmless too —

Patient Stupidity

So, heavy, passive to the tempest's shocks,
Dull on the Sign-post stands the stupid Ox —

His face with smile eternal drest
Just like the Landlord to his guest,
High as they hang with creaking din
To index out the country Inn —

A head pure, sinless quite of brain or soul,
The very image of a Barber's Poll;
Just shews a human face and wears a wig,
And looks when well-friseur'd, amazing big —
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